Survey Results

survey results

The first Develpreneur user poll results are in.  We started simple and asked what you preferred our focus to be.  The options were:

  • Developer Tips and Techniques
  • Entrepreneur and Business Tips
  • Life Balance/Improvement Articles
  • All of the Above

A Break Down of The Survey Results

The Developer Tips is a clear winner with 42% of responses being that alone and 40% for All of the Above.  That left Entrepreneur and Business with 13% and only 5% for Life Balance.  Although the survey has been running for a few months, the results have been roughly the same from early on.  Thus, we are already making adjustments based on this feedback.

You may have noticed that seasons two and beyond of the podcast have little life lessons and have skewed heavily towards tips and techniques for developers.  We will continue on this course but will sprinkle in some life hacks along the way.  Those tips may have a general value but they are still good ways to become better developers.

Thank you to all who responded and please continue to help us help you through future surveys.