Database testing is fraught with challenges. We have to find new ways to create a database replica, match the data in size and meaning as well as validate changes. These obstacles add up to this sort of testing requires automation and careful consideration. In this session, we look at the pitfalls and ways to properly test and validate your database.
Database Testing And Automation
We cover this topic through looking at the issues, looking at the basic tools, and then what automation is needed. The discussion stays surface level and does not go deep into any specific tools. That way you can find this presentation useful no matter which database or environment you find your self facing.
The Mentor-Mastermind Group
This series comes from our mentoring/mastermind classes. These classes are virtual meetings that focus on how to improve our technical skills and build our businesses. The goals of each member vary. However, this diversity makes for great discussions and a ton of educational value every time we meet. We hope you enjoy viewing this series as much as we enjoy creating it. As always, this may not be all new to you, but we hope it helps you be a better developer. Drop us a line to find out when the next one is so you can join our group.
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