develpreneur podcast

Podcast Recommendations To Improve Your Life

As a podcaster, I am also a fan.  I listen to numerous shows and have for many years.  Therefore it makes sense to offer an episode of podcast recommendations.  There is an enormous number of options available, but maybe this episode will help you find some good ones and sort through the noise. The Tip of The Iceberg The recommendations are by no means a complete list.  The options available are as broad as the interests you and your friends and family may have.  I recommend you browse through Apple Podcasts a time or two every year.  You will be able to find some excellent shows to match your latest interests.  In particular, you might find some shows that cover... Read more

Disney World Lessons For Product Development

A recent trip to Disney World was a memorable experience in many ways.  However, as an entrepreneur, the lessons for product development approaches sparked a presentation.  One of the mind-boggling parts of the experience was the way the culture has been built and maintained.  There is a “Disney experience” ever visitor is likely to have.  This experience is amazingly consistent when you think about how big that organization is.  Thus, there are several concepts we can learn from their success. Brands and Product Development While customer service and culture provide lessons, we focus more on the ability to build and maintain brands.  Disney World has evolved over the years to stay modern while maintaining its roots.  The vast library of... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Removing Solvers Block

In this stand-alone episode, we look at solvers block.  This is what I call the situation where one can not seem to push through to a solution.  It is not due to options that have not been tried.  Instead, it feels like there are no further options to explore. Solvers Block Hits Us All We all have good days and bad ones.  Sometimes everything falls into place, and we feel super productive.  However, there are also days or even weeks where we feel like we are running in quicksand.  Each day starts with the same problem and ends without a solution.  This is not a situation that only novice developers face.  Even the most senior and experienced of us can... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The AntiPattern Season in Review

We have marched through 31 examples during this antipattern season.  Therefore, we have enough of them to step back and look at themes, bad habits, and commonalities.  While it is helpful to know about the individual patterns, it is better to see the big picture approaches we should avoid.  Let’s get to beating some dead horses. Communication Is Key We can do everything right and still end up down a dark hole if we fail to communicate.  This recommendation involves vertical communication among staff and management as well as horizontal across roles.  We also want to be sure that we have made context and our “why” clear as part of the communication.  Provide a good map and give it to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Death By Planning – A Rigid Anti-Pattern

Death by planning is an anti-pattern that makes us look like lemmings.  We make a plan, and then we follow it mindlessly.  This approach can work for some projects like building a house.  However, software development does not work this way.  There are always changes and unknowns that we encounter during the SDLC process.  Thus, we want to be able to adjust to those instead of staying rigidly to the initial course. Defining the Death By Planning Anti-Pattern The Sourcemaking site provides the definition we will use for this episode.  It is lengthy, but this anti-pattern calls for that. [Click Here to See The Page] “In many organizational cultures, detailed planning is an assumed activity for any project. This assumption... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Fire Drill Anti-Pattern

The fire drill anti-pattern is one that falls on project management.  While we can personally place ourselves in this sort of situation, the anti-pattern comes from planning.  To be specific, it comes from poor planning.  Think of the idea that we can cram for a test the night before and extend it to slamming home a project at the last minute. Defining the Fire Drill Anti-Pattern The definition for this anti-pattern has been selected from the anti-pattern site.  IT provides a bleak picture of the pattern that is also a common root cause. [Click Here to See The Page] “Management waits until the last possible moment to allow developers to proceed with design and implementation; then they want results almost... Read more