develpreneur podcast

Advancing Your Career Through New Challenges

As you move through the years, you might find that advancing your career becomes a more significant challenge.  There was so much to learn when you started.  However, you now have a lot of knowledge under your belt.  Never fear, there is still a world full of opportunities for you to advance to that next level. Expand Your Reach No one learns without stepping out of what they know.  If you find yourself overly comfortable in your current position, it is time to move.  That does not mean you have to move to another country or even change jobs.  It does say you should look for new areas to explore.  That includes new forms of interacting with your peers.  There are ways... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Giving Back As A Mentor, Coach, and Lead

We have looked this week at how to get the most out of mentors and teammates.  However, we also should think about giving back.  There will be opportunities to teach, lead, and even mentor others.  I have found these situations are as much a blessing to us as they are the recipients.  Therefore, we should embrace these sort of opportunities where we can. Learn By Teaching The first point to consider is how teaching someone is a way to learn.  In the simplest form, we ask someone to say back to us what we just said.  This is a test of whether they learned what we desired.  If they can repeat it back to us, then they learned it at... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Learning From Peers, Teammates, and Co-Workers

There are a wealth of teachers in our professional community.  I have found the most common contributor to my success is learning from peers.  The people around us that we include in our daily interactions are also factors in how we learn or solve problems.  Let’s look at how to make the most of this prevalent resource. Everyone Brings Value The most significant factor in know-it-all being a bad attitude is the impact it has on our ability to learn.  Yes, you may be considered gruff or even a jerk, but that may be due to other than your lack of humility.  When this approach is taken, there is a tendency to jump to conclusions or even solutions that are... Read more

A Linode How-To – Launch Your Virtual Server

One of the tools that are core to the Develpreneur ecosystem is Linode.  This provider of cloud servers has been one we started with several years ago, and they have served us well.  Thus, it seems that an article focused on a Linode how-to is one we should provide you. Getting Started The first thing to do is decide on the attributes of your server.  There is a wide variety to choose from.  Each option is tied to a fixed monthly fee.  Thus, you can easily budget for your needs.  Although you can find cheaper resources if you pay ahead a year or two with Amazon, these tend to be a great deal.  The pricing starts at five dollars per... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Finding Mentors To Advance Your Knowledge and Career

There are many tools that will help us keep up with technology and even advance our career.  These have differing values.  However, finding mentors is often at the top of the list of high-value options.  While there can be a lot of time and money spent on finding a mentor, that is not the only way.  There are plenty of potential mentors already in your life. Co-Workers and Professional Associates The best place to look for a mentor is among the people you already have a regular relationship with.  That means your current team and associates is where to start first.  There may be potential mentors that have decades more experience than you, but others may fit as well or... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Developer Tool Categories You Should Know

While we have discussed a broad range of tools over the years.  There are a lot of good ones out there that are free and even better ones that are commercial.  Well, in most cases.  It can be incredibly time-consuming and challenging t keep up with all the options out there.  However, we can make it easier on our learning schedule by reducing our focus to developer tool categories. What Are Some Developer Tool Categories? When you think about your ability to make use of tools, it becomes obvious that there is a practical limit to usage.  For example, it makes little sense to have two IDE’s for your Java development.  Pick one and use that.  On the other hand, there are... Read more