develpreneur podcast

Writing Proposals and Winning Projects

Once you find a prospect your next step is turning them into a customer.  In the IT world (as well as most other lines of business) this is done through a proposal.  Therefore, writing proposals is a significant facet of growing a business.  There is no black magic involved in this process; we just need some common sense. A Process for Writing Proposals Our focus on every project should be solving a problem or a group of them.  Thus, the first step in our process for writing proposals is to fully define the problem or problems at hand.  We can go off and try to figure it out on our own, but the customer is the best source for this information.  Work with your... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Finding Consulting Projects Without Cold Calls

The challenge of finding consulting projects is not one you should overlook.  However, the first is the hardest.  Once you have a couple of projects under your belt, you will find it easier to win additional work. We will cover the ways to grow existing business in another episode.  For now, let’s look at some ways to find prospects that are the easiest to convert into customers. Finding Consulting Projects on the Internet This problem is so common that a large number of sites have been created to solve it.  That is not going to make your task a slam dunk.  Although there are countless project sites out there, they are not all created equal.  Start with the options that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Fixed or Hourly Project Pricing

One of the critical choices in accepting a project is whether you will bill based on a fixed or hourly basis.  The bottom line is that one approach places more risk on you as a provider.  The other puts it on the customer.  At least, that is the typical thought.  However, you can adjust a fixed bid or how the hourly rate is paid to shift risk around. Fixed or Hourly as a Project Approach I think that this is a decision that should be considered far more from the basis of how the project will go as opposed to finances.  A fixed bid will make it far more likely that a customer will want to squeeze all they can... Read more

dbvisualizer how to

DBVisualizer How To – Easy Database Administration and Usage

One of the tools in this series that I have used the most is DBVisualizer.  It is a database tool for developers and those that need to browse their data.  Although the uses are plentiful, we will keep this DBVisuualizer how-to focused on the standard features and usage.  A tool like this is too much to cover in an introduction so your best approach will be to use it. A Free Version There are two versions available, free and paid.  The rough differences are that the free version is a data browser while the paid version adds a lot of administration and manipulation tools.  However, you can see for yourself on their comparison page.  Note that the free version does allow... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Consulting Invoices and Getting Paid

Whether you are running a side hustle or a full-blown business, at some point you will need to create consulting invoices.  Well, unless you do not care about being paid for your work.  This is a process that is often overlooked.  However, the way you invoice can help you get paid on time, impress a client, and even market your services to expand the business. Consulting Invoices Are Not Redundant I have come across some consultants that feel like an invoice is redundant.  Whether they sent a status with time worked or had a consulting agreement, they seem to think nothing else is required.  They may send a bill, but decide that the extra work of an invoice is not needed... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Setting the Price for Software Consulting

The most common discussion I have had around consulting is setting the price on my services.  Yes, customers care about my rates.  However, the conversations tend to be focused on what the pricing should be for the person with whom I am speaking.  There is no silver bullet for this challenge.  On the other hand, it is not as difficult as many of us think. Setting The Price Based on the Market The easiest way to figure out a good rate for your services is to look at the market.  If you are already employed, then you have a salary to use for a metric.  If not, then take a look at the typical salary ranges for your skill set... Read more