develpreneur podcast

The Source Code Of Happiness – A Develpreneur Book

This episode covers the new book “The Source Code Of Happiness” that is our first Develpreneur published work.  It contains a lot of ideas that we have discussed in blog posts over the years.  On the other hand, it ties things together and has a few new stories and suggestions as well. The Source Code of Happiness Of course, the book implies that reading it will help you find happiness.  I will add a spoiler because you already know this.  The way to true contentment and happiness is to find a job you love that will always keep you challenged.  Guess what?  A technology career can be a perfect fit.  That is not the case for everyone.  However, those that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Observer Pattern and Series Wrap-Up

We wrap up the season with the observer pattern and a review of what we have learned.  This pattern is one that you probably have already encountered.  Instead of an observer, you probably have heard it called a listener. The Observer Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” intent to set the stage for our discussion. “Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.” Thus, the observer pattern is precisely what the name implies.  You assign an object to an observer, and when something changes in the observed object, the observer is notified.  The key to this is that it is a one-to-many... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Visitor Pattern

The visitor pattern is the last of the behavioral ones for us to review.  This is going to feel similar to some others that allow us to abstract functionality such as a command.  This one provides us with a way to group functionality and avoids duplication or even sprawl of our code. The Visitor Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” intent to set the stage for our discussion. “Represent an operation to be perfomed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.” Simply put, this pattern allows us to abstract and group functions that we will be performed on... Read more

New Year Planning

Your Best Year Ever – Start A Better Tomorrow Today

There is nothing like starting the year with a presentation on how to embrace the next twelve months.  It is hardly ground-breaking to present on a topic like this.  However, this particular one is applicable to any time you see it.  The topic of the next twelve months being your best year ever can start on January first or December thirty-first and all points in between. Why Not Have Your Best Year Ever? We all have had periods of time where we look back and wish we had done better.  It may be a season of big challenges, bad luck, or general struggles.  The good news is that when we look ahead we have more control than looking back.  What... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Template Method Pattern

In the last episode, we looked at abstracting algorithms.  Now we examine the template method pattern and how it allows us to abstract steps of an algorithm.  Thus, providing a template for implementation while leaving the freedom for subclasses to handle the details. The Template Method Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” intent to set the stage for our discussion. “Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure.” This is a rather simple pattern to understand.  We build a root or base class that lays out the steps of an algorithm.  Then we leave some... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Strategy Pattern

Our review of the behavioral design patterns moves on to look at the Strategy pattern.  This is one that you might not recognize from the name.  However, it is relatively common in use (or at least it should be). The Strategy Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” intent to set the stage for our discussion. “Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it” Some people start to hear static when the word algorithm is used.  It seems too theoretical and does not apply to a practical approach.  Unfortunately, that is the core aspect of a strategy.  There is a process... Read more