Use Accountability To Achieve Your Goals

Use Accountability To Achieve Your Goals

A flurry of resolutions starts every year, but you will fail unless you use accountability to achieve your goals. Sadly, this is the same whether we are trying to lose weight, build a habit, or launch a business. There are many ways for us to be held accountable for our goals and actions. However, the successful among us set those mechanisms in place before they set an objective. Be Successful, Use Accountability To Achieve Your Goals There is an old saying that “what gets measured gets managed” that gets tossed around a lot. There is a similar truth in how we achieve goals that we are held accountable for. We can be accountable to ourselves. However, it seems that we... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Master Fulfillment To Create The Happiest Customers

We dig deep into customer satisfaction as we continue a discussion with Drake Nightenhelser and look at why we should master fulfillment. When you think about it, that is the step that is most critical.  That is where we deliver on our promise, whether it is a product or a service. The customer will be most attuned to how they feel at that moment or at that time. Master Fulfillment And Find Success It is surprising how often a business or vendor ignores this critical moment. How would you react to a wedding where the moment they say I do, they mess it up? Likewise, what tone is set if the first kiss is botched? The fulfillment moment is what... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Embrace Coaching To Advance Your Career

Of the many tools we have discussed, one that can not be overlooked is how to use coaching to advance your career. This option is one where we must sometimes embrace how little we know. Likewise, use a coach as a way to find guidance and someone to walk with us through our career journey. They provide a second viewpoint and one that is experienced and critical in the best way. Invest In Coaching To Advance Your Career We can not learn if we do not put ourselves in a learning environment and mindset. Thus, you will not stumble into coaching to advance your career. Instead, you need to be intentional in your decision to work with a coach. You... Read more

feedback and career help

Feedback And Career Help – Does The Bootcamp Provide It?

Countless tutorials, online schools, and boot camps skip the most critical pieces of feedback and career help. Self-paced approaches and many other formats allow you to read and interact with material. However, they fall short of a truly customized feedback system that addresses the trips and stumbles we have along the way. These approaches assume the best case that you will comprehend and understand the material. How often did you pick up a book in school at the beginning of the course and think it was incomprehensible? That’s why teachers exist. They help us work our way through when we get stuck. Feedback And Career Help Lead You To The Goal There are many reasons why we take an online... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Avatars And Best Buyers – Interview With Drake Nightenhelser

We start a conversation with Drake Nightenhelser to offer timeless advice about avatars and best buyers and their role in an ideal business. Every business has a niche of ideal customers and does best when those are the ones it serves. However, we can get side-tracked by a desire to increase revenue without fully considering the consequences. Avatars And Best Buyers There are several names for the process of defining who our target market is. That often is limited to avatars and best buyers or a similar name. However, we must look further out than these ideal customers to land them. Our net will be rather broad, and then we must learn how to say no to the prospects that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Overcoming Adversity On Your Way To Success

Every story of success often appears to have a point where overcoming adversity was a key to that eventual success. In this episode, we review lessons learned through past interviews and how we can all become that story of success despite the obstacles. Perspective is critical when we try to compare the challenges faced by ourselves to those seen by others. Overcoming Adversity Is Something We All Do We can be a glass half-full or glass half-empty person. That attitude can be the difference between overcoming adversity and curling up in a ball, waiting for the world to end. Okay, that may seem a bit extreme. However, the right attitude and the desire to succeed even through difficulties is a... Read more