develpreneur podcast

Invest In Your Team – They Will Want To Stay

This episode continues our discussion with Chip Nightingale. We explore how it can be risky to invest in your team but also rewarding. The view of employees as quick to leave once they receive training is short-sighted and often wrong. There is a natural fear that people grow to a certain point and then leave. However, that is not always the case. Many times they will stay because they know they will continue to grow. Invest In Your Team For Growth You can invest in your team as a leader or mentor by training them to move up in the organization. Yes, you might be training them to take your job, but that is not a negative. It is a... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Informal Mentoring – A Chip Nightingale Interview

We start our next interview with a discussion about informal mentoring with Chip Nightingale. There are many formal mentoring options out there for you. However, some of the best ways to advance your career are to look to the informal ones that are available in your daily life. Your coworkers, leads, and even your boss can provide you with mentoring that is invaluable to your career. Informal Mentoring Happens Every Day There are people in our work and personal lives that pour into us and help us grow. We can look at this as informal mentoring and all it costs is our time and attention. Better yet, we can develop our mentoring skills and help build our teams through mentoring... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Learn To Work As A Team – A Missing Part of Education

The last part of our interview with Sebastian Schieke looks at how we fail to educate people on how to work as a team. We have activities as part of education that give experience with teamwork. However, we tend to skip the essential parts, like how to work with others and assess what motivates us. Better Awareness Helps Us Work As A Team One of the first things we need to understand is what motivates us and how we communicate best. Then, we can work on matching those attributes with those of our teammates. That is an essential step in teamwork and creating high-performing teams. We build from each member’s unique skills and drivers to craft a well-oiled team. It... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Personal Motivators And Drivers – Find The Right Approach

We dive further into personal motivators and drivers while discussing with Sebastian Schieke. This topic leads us to assessments and other ways to learn about individual traits. That is where his organization points customers to. They use assessments, and similar fact-finding tools, to help a team learn about the members and the leaders learn how best to use those traits. Every team is a combination of all of the individuals and their motivators, so the better we blend and utilize those, the higher performing the team. Strong Leaders use personal Motivators And Drivers A sports analogy often works well when talking about teams. Every member of a team has a specific set of skills and motivators. The best leaders put... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Building A High-Performance Remote Team

The discussion with Sebastian Schieke continues as we look at building a high-performance remote team. Not surprisingly, there are similar concerns as with traditional work teams. The team must be able to work together, set common goals, and find fulfillment for the members. None of this is new in leadership or team-building. However, it seems to leave people stumped when it shifts to a remote team. Building a High-Performance Remote Team – Start With People A team is always going to be made up of people. Thus, treating people right and motivating them is always a good step toward building a high-performance team. While there are many approaches, the best teams are able to overcome differences, feel heard, and see... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Moving To Mobile Teams and Building Them – Sebastian Schieke

We start a discussion with Sebastian Schieke at the beginning and how he got into entrepreneurship and building mobile teams. He started as most of us in that generation did with office jobs and dressing for work. Over the last fifteen or so years, there was a change. He started to find that he had a better pool of potential workers when he looked further than his local town. Well before the pandemic forced many into remote work, he used it to build out his teams quickly and precisely. Mobile Teams – The New Normal It seems like a long, long time ago when remote jobs were rare or frowned on. While some companies are transitioning back to office jobs,... Read more