develpreneur podcast

Making Good The Enemy of Better

There are many mistakes we make related to pushing too far or not pushing enough.  The latter is where we make good the enemy of better.  More precisely, good enough becomes our goal instead of getting better.  That approach can be comfortable.  However, it can also limit our growth professionally and personally.  This episode shares a story where I limited myself regularly shooting for a goal that was good rather than better.  While we can take the “win” and move on, there are more times we should aim higher. Good The Enemy of Better – Limiting Growth The idea of perfect as the enemy of good and pushing too hard has been discussed in other episodes.  Those situations have us... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Proving Your Worth – Understand Expectations

It is not at all uncommon to focus on proving your worth when you start a new job or enter a new environment.  However, we expect more than others.  We often make the mistake of thinking we are expected to know everything.  That is not the case.  In fact, we are rarely likely to know much in the early days of a new job.  That is why many companies have training and orientation programs for new hires.  While there is typically not the same formal process when we move to a new team, there are still the same needs.  It is a “rookie mistake” to think you are expected to hit the ground running at 100%.  Your best days are... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Differences In Perception – A Stupid Bet

There are many fights and arguments that start from differences in perception.  Whether it is the line-of-sight, angle, or bias, we have differing views.  These can cause reasonable people to take starkly different positions on a subject.  While those are honest differences, they are also essential to note.  Sometimes an argument can be avoided by one of the parties looking at the issue from a different perspective.  We must realize these differences exist and work with them rather than digging in our heels. Differences in Perception and Perspectives Perspective has a more significant impact on our decisions and positions than most expect.  We think we see things how they are and can be adamant about it.  However, we all have... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Mistakes In The Cloud – Know Where Things Live

Modern technology is the focus of this episode as we look at mistakes in the cloud.  You can impact a lot of people with a simple error.  That is why you need to be aware of what these new tools do and how to use them properly.  For example, backups are great unless you manage to delete them all.  Likewise, file sharing is excellent.  However, it can lead to one person disrupting the work of your entire team.  These cloud-related tools take the reply-all option in emails from a minor nuisance to a potentially crippling obstacle. Mistakes In The Cloud Are Common First and foremost, know that the easy accessibility of these tools can be a problem.  They tend to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

A Positive Attitude and Finding Hidden Gems

Sometimes a story is full of lessons without having a well-defined core.  There are many players, and the successful have a positive attitude.  This trend supersedes mistakes, errors, and even bad luck.  We look at one of those complex situations in this episode.  There are many mistakes made, and they all are overcome by being focused on success rather than listing ways we can fail. A Positive Attitude In The Face Of Adversity This story does not start with a situation and players that lead one to expect success.  On the contrary, this seems like a recipe for disaster.  Likewise, abject failure would not be a surprise and was likely expected by many.  The difference-maker in this story is that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Trust But Verify – Avoid Business Assumptions

There are multiple lessons to learn from this little debacle of a story. However, trust but verify seems to be the best summation. We have to assume a lot in business. There are levels of acceptance and expectance both from vendors and customers. While those base metrics can be helpful, they are not always guaranteed. Logically Skeptical – Trust But Verify The challenge with some of the rules mentioned above of thumb is that they can be used against us. The effect is not much different from other forms of “surprise” negotiation tactics. These are the attempts to get us on our heels just when we think we made it across the finish line. We have pointed to protective measures... Read more