develpreneur podcast

Warm Bodies – A Subtraction By Addition Anti-pattern

The “warm bodies” anti-pattern is sometimes subtle.  However, it can be frustrating and sink more than a project.  This approach is based on the fallacy that more developers or resources will create better software sooner.  Instead, the reality is closer to the idea of getting nine women to give birth to a baby in one month. Warm Bodies Defined This anti-pattern is an attempt to work faster or get a project back on track by adding resources.  It often is identified by a manager hiring more team members to address complex or time-consuming parts of a project.  Unfortunately, architecture is not immune to this.  The challenge comes when the architecture is complex, and there is a temptation to fix that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Vendor Lock-in : A Limiting Anti-Pattern

This episode covers the vendor lock-in anti-pattern.  It is another one that we have seen before.  However, it is slightly different when you apply it to software architecture.  This situation is fascinating as we can fall into it thinking we are making the best decisions.  However, comfort and ease are not always the best way to assess our solution.   Vendor Lock-in Defined This anti-pattern occurs when we craft an architecture that hinges on a vendor or third-party product.  Sometimes the vendor is an open-source tool or approach.  While that is far better and can save us from being locked into their solution, it is still important to recognize.  We will be better off when we are free to craft... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Reinvent The Wheel : An Anti-Pattern of Pride

This next anti-pattern is “reinvent the wheel.”  It is not a rare issue in solving problems.  However, it is still worth exploring.  Knowledge is not enough to avoid it.  Otherwise, it would be less common.  Likewise, the speed of progress in technical solutions makes it a challenge to keep current and avoid this anti-pattern.   Reinvent The Wheel Defined We see this in many ways.  However, it always boils down to looking at a problem as a novel challenge, rather than something already solved.  The anti-pattern can appear from ignorance through to a false sense of accomplishment by solving any problem.  These lead us to be busy solving problems we could move past rather than productive.  It is the height... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Wolf Ticket Anti-Pattern: As In Wearing Sheep’s Clothing

Communication and consistency are key traits of patterns.  Likewise, a lack of these creates anti-patterns like the wolf ticket.  We all know that standards are helpful and a worthy pursuit.  However, there are de facto standards that can cause us headaches.  Let’s look at how a good intention can turn into an anti-pattern. A Wolf Ticket Definition A wolf ticket is not that different from smoke and mirrors.  It is a standard or other conforming to rules where there is no enforcement.  Buzz words are a common example.  We see a word or phrase thrown around because it is the hot topic of the day.  However, there is a lack of vetting or validation to ensure compliance.  While people may... Read more

DevOps – An Overview Of What It Is And How To Benefit

DevOps is a hot topic in recent years.  However, it is often misunderstood or ill-defined.  This presentation tries to correct that.  We look at its short history and how DevOps is used.  Likewise, we look at the pros and cons involved when your team embraces this facet of software development. DevOps Is a Steadily Growing Area While a young way to look at a part of the software development process, it is still rapidly growing.  The tools available to assist in this area grow daily.  Also, the growth of the Cloud and systems deployed there make DevOps more and more a necessity for developing modern solutions. The Mentor-Mastermind Group This series comes from our mentoring/mastermind classes.  These classes are virtual meetings... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Jumble Anti-Pattern : Mixing up horizontal and vertical

One of the funny things about anti-patterns is that they are obvious in the name alone.  We might not know what it is but everyone avoids a jumble.  There is no technical knowledge required to judge this is not a good idea for a solution architecture.  In this episode, we review the jumble anti-pattern, what it looks like, and how to avoid it. The Jumble Defined The key to the jumble anti-pattern is horizontal and vertical elements of the design.  We want to keep those separate much like in Ghostbusters, do not cross the streams.  There should be a clear usage for a component either in the horizontal or vertical sense.  That allows us to use them properly and within... Read more