develpreneur podcast

The Microservices Architecture Pattern – Small, Reusable Solutions

We come to one of the best patterns for breaking a big problem down into bite-sized pieces.  The microservices architecture pattern is a perfect fit.  The objective is to farm out work to one or more services that are small and well-defined.  This pattern is one that has grown in popularity and is often seen in Cloud solutions. The Microservices Architecture Pattern Defined The architecture is another one that has three primary components.  There are client requests, an interface layer, and service components.  Likewise, the microservices architecture is another distributed pattern that allows the solution to grow as needed. In general, requests are directed to services via the interface layer.  That layer also can bundle or roll up responses so... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Microkernel Pattern – Core System and Plugins

The focus of this episode on software architecture patterns is the microkernel pattern.  It is a common way to build on core technology without the need for future design.  Once the plugin interface is defined, the sky is the limit for enhancements and upgrades.  You do all of this without impacting that core. The Microkernel Pattern Defined This approach starts with a core piece of functionality.  Next, other components are added to it.  We see this pattern utilized in many cloud products and commercial software.  The core can be protected, and then plugins farmed out.  Also, customers can purchase the core and then plugins a la carte.  In a technical sense, the core provides shared functionality across the system.  The... Read more

Restful API Testing With RestAssured

Restful API Testing Using RestAssured

Our journey into Restful API Testing Using RestAssured begins by looking at the different ways in which API testing can be done. Next, we look at how to use tools such as the browser developer tool, Swagger, and Postman to test APIs from a browser. Additionally, we look at how to use libraries like RestAssued and Karate to build continuous integration tests for our code projects. Finally, we wrap up our discussion by showing you how to write RestAssured tests against a real-world scenario. Restful API Testing Using RestAssured Overview: Overview of Restful API Different Types of HTTP Requests How to Manually Test a Restful API Use Postman and Swagger Write RestAssured Unit Test What is Restful API REST APIs... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Interpreter Pattern – Translate expressions in code

We continue our season of software architecture patterns and more by reviewing the interpreter pattern.  This one may seem familiar.  It has been discussed in other areas of software development.  However, it is worth refreshing our memory on this helpful solution. The Interpreter Pattern Defined The way this works is to start from a client, and given a context; we receive an expression.  That may be a very simple or complex series of “sentences.”  Next, the expression is broken down into parts that are individually interpreted.  Finally, the combined results are sent back.  That gives us yet another pattern that involves breaking the big problem down into smaller pieces.  Thus, it is easier to solve. Applying The Pattern There are... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Blackboard Pattern : A Way to Brainstorm In Software

The blackboard pattern is arguably the least known among our first group.  This is a pattern that is not common because it is best used with some specialized tasks.  However, you may be familiar with it if you work in speech recognition, vehicle tracking, sonar signals interpretation, or similar open-ended forms of searching and matching. The Blackboard Pattern Defined Three appears to be the magic number for parts of an architectural pattern.  Likewise, this pattern again has three concepts that make it up.  There is the blackboard, the knowledge source, and the control.  These parts work together to match data to a solution. The Blackboard pattern uses the idea of a blackboard as a place to hold global data.  We... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Model-View-Controller : A Pattern Based on Functional Area

The Model-View-Controller pattern is one that is common and often seen in frameworks.  It provides us with a nice place to “hang” our code. The Model-View-Controller Pattern Defined We have another pattern that contains three parts.  In this case, we have the model, the view, and the controller.  These each has an area of functionality they contain and are intended to act without regard to the other areas.  The effect is not unlike other patterns that divide and delegate functionality.  The MVC pattern divides by interaction with a user.  We have the View that displays information to the user.  Then, we have the Controller that handles input.  Finally, we have the Model that addresses the core functionality and data. Clearly... Read more