develpreneur podcast

True Vacation – Embracing The Value of Time Off

It is the time of year when we wind down a little bit.  This is when it is essential to reconnect and maybe even take a true vacation. Finally, we can get away from work, emails, and phone calls long enough to enjoy life a little. A True Vacation Recharges You We all have energy levels that ebb and flow.  Likewise, they also tend to decrease over time when we do not incorporate enough rest.  Therefore, we sometimes need more extended rest periods, and a good night of sleep is not enough.  That is where a vacation comes in.  We can unplug, recharge, and find meaningful rest and recovery during a true vacation. The Pseudo Vacation The more typical approach to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Positive Focus – Victories and Tasks That Recharge Us

Holidays and vacations are meant to recharge us.  They help us maintain or restore a positive focus and improve productivity.  Nevertheless, we want to avoid too much of a good thing.  A long vacation of a week or more can be highly renewing.  However, we can also lose focus, momentum and miss opportunities. Retrospection And A Positive Focus The slow times that seasonally appear in our lives are perfect times for review and retrospection.  Likewise, we can spend some time reflecting while resting during a Holiday meal or lounging around.  The best use of such times is with a positive focus.  Yes, there are mistakes we want to avoid or correct. But, on the other hand, we can adjust our... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Embrace Downtime – Make the Most of Slow Times

We are starting into that time of year where you might be most busy or struggle to find meaningful work.  For those that are experiencing the latter, this episode is to help us embrace downtime.  There are two important considerations during these times. First, we want to avoid backsliding on our progress and momentum.  However, we also want to rest and recharge.  No one can run full steam without rest.  These downtimes allow us to do so.  We also can use these periods for reflection and planning. Embrace Downtime And Recharge First and foremost, we need to use these times to refill our tank.  There are many reasons to take some time off from work.  Nevertheless, the primary focus should... Read more

Test Project A Review of Version 2.0

Test Project A Review of Version 2.0

Welcome, if you are a tester or developer interested in automation testing or are new to test automation tools than you defiantly need to check out TestProject. However, if you are not familiar with this tool that’s OK. In Test Project A Review of Version 2.0 we cover all the new features in Test Project 2.0 as well as walk you through using the tool to setup your first test. Test Project A Review of Version 2.0 Overview: What is Test Project What’s new in Version 2 Overview of the tool Creating your first test case What is Test Project? TestProject is a community driven tool and has a free forever plan that is fully featured and that you can... Read more

rss reader

RSS Reader And Promoter – A Product Walk Through

The RSS Reader and Promoter is a tool we created to assist in reviewing content and sharing it out to various channels and platforms.  This presentation walks through getting started and how you can use this simple interface to keep up with all of your favorite newsfeeds.  Likewise, you can share your favorite articles with your friends and community. RSS Reader – Start Quick This application intends to provide a way to share RSS feeds across all users while keeping track of articles that might interest the user.  We make it easy to share links to sites like LinkedIn and Twitter.  However, we also provide a way to share articles to your custom feed.  These combine to make your content... Read more

React Native Putting It All Together

React Native: Putting It All Together

In this final segment on React Native: Putting it all together, we revisit all the concepts we have covered to this point. Then we go through how to set up and organize your projects so you can break down your code into smaller more manageable components. Prior to watching this video please see the previous video on React Navigation here or if you need a refresher check out the first video in the series “Started Using React Native For Your Mobile Applications” here. React Native: Putting It All Together focuses on: Required Dependencies Text SafeAreaView Image Background Image ScrollView TouchableOpacity Button View NavigationContainer Navigator createStackNavigator Tab navigation Const createBottomTabNavigator Drawer navigation Screen createDrawerNavigator Tab navigation Ionicons {useState} For a full list of... Read more