Learn How To Use Screens and Navigation in React-Native

Learn How To Use Screens and Navigation in React-Native

In our next video we Learn How To Use Screens and Navigation in React-Native. So far our topics have included mobile design, layout, and text components, buttons, images, and background images. Now that we understand the building blocks of React-Native its time to start looking at how to build screens and navigate between them. Just in case you missed the last video you can find it here or you need a refresher you can find the first video Started Using React Native For Your Mobile Applications here. Screens and Navigation in React-Native focuses on: Required Dependencies Screens React Navigation For a full list of components and APIs goto https://reactnative.dev/docs/accessibilityinfo Screens Let’s talk about Screens, more specifically what are they? If we... Read more

develpreneur podcast

A Community Effort – Building Your Content and User Base

One of the challenges of building a community is providing enough value to the members.  That requires a community effort from almost the start.  We continue our interview with Jeff Dillon, discussing the obstacles they face at Ed Tech connect. Chicken And Egg Addressed Through Community Effort It all comes down to a “which is first” problem, also known as chicken and egg.  Your community needs content and involvement to be valuable.  However, you need the members to provide some of that content and participation.  This obstacle exists for almost every site you like to frequent.  The solution is often offered through investing time and money into the content initially.  Sometimes, this is augmented by providing members other incentives early... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Finding Software – Navigating A Web Full Of Options

We continue the interview with Jeff Dillon of Ed Tech Connect with a solution for finding software.  That is not a simple problem to solve in the modern world of dozens and might be hundreds of options.  There are solutions that partially or completely address your needs.  However, you need a way to reduce those options to a few and then one. Finding Software Without A Guide There is an amazing amount of software available on the market from broad-purpose to highly niche solutions.  That can add up to a herculean task when finding software to fit your specific situation is required. Technology In Higher Ed – More Than Registration Any university or similar institution lives and dies through registration. ... Read more

React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 3

The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 3

In our third video on React Native: The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 3, continues our discussion of fundamental components. Previously, we covered mobile design, layout, and text components. Now we are going to cover some new components, such as buttons, images, and background images. Just in case you missed the last video you can find it here or you need a refresher you can find the first video Started Using React Native For Your Mobile Applications here. React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 3 focuses on: Image Image Background Button For a full list of components and APIs goto https://reactnative.dev/docs/accessibilityinfo Image An Image React component is useful when you want to display different types of images, including network images, static... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Jeff Dillon – EdTech Connect – Technology In Higher Ed

We start the next set of interviews with a discussion about technology in higher ed with Jeff Dillon.  He has spent his career in this area of focus and has a wealth of ideas.  These are applicable to multiple verticals as you will find during our conversation.  Of course, if you are in the world of higher ed, you will likely find his site invaluable. Simple Beginnings The path Jeff has followed does not seem particularly special.  However, when you look at his trajectory and the growth of technology in higher ed you will see a perfect pairing.  He is like a fine wine paired with a high-quality meal.  While each is good on its own, you get so much... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Technical Fit – Assess Your Tools and Processes To Find A Match

We take a break from our interviews and a wealth of recommendations to review how to apply these.  There is a technical fit and organizational fit for solutions of all types.  It is critical that you know how these may fit your specific situation. Technical Fit The idea of technical fit is possibly the easiest to see from the outside.  There are specific requisites in the solution that must match the problem definition.  For example, a development shop that uses C# for its code will not benefit from a Java code generator.  There may be some helpful output.  However, it will not fit the development standards.  Thus, there is little difference in a process or other non-technical solutions.  You may... Read more