The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 2

The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 2

In our third video on React Native: The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 2, continues our discussion of fundamental components. In addition to the design and layout concepts we covered last time, in this presentation we will be looking the most commonly used component, the text component. Just in case you missed the last video you can find it here or you need a refresher you can find the first video Started Using React Native For Your Mobile Applications here. Recap React Native is an open-source mobile application framework brought to us by Facebook, Inc. We can use to develop applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and UWP by enabling developers to use React’s... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Planning For Growth – Give Your Changes Time To Take Hold

The last part of our interview episodes with Krishna Mohan dive into how he helps companies grow.  The primary concept is planning for growth.  However, we also need to ensure we give the changes time to be effective.  Krishna often sees this as an annual approach and that fits well with budgets, resources, and incorporates seasonal differences where they occur. Planning For Growth The first part of any plan is setting a goal.  We need to create a finish line that is our current situation plus the desired growth.  Once we have those in place, we need to set a course for those end goals that have reasonable milestones along the way.  It is unlikely you can double or triple... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Are You Ready For Growth? – Krishna Mohan Part 2

We continue our discussion with Krishna Mohan with a focus on the question, “are you ready for growth”.  Everyone wants to grow their business.  However, not everyone is truly ready to pay the price in focus and effort to do so.  There are risks and investments required.  We start there and then move into the concepts of working in your business as opposed to on your business. Are You Ready For Growth? Growing a business requires you to be ready to sacrifice short-term goals to invest in the future.  There is no magic pill that allows you to continue focusing on your business and grow it at the same time.  There is planning required and a diversion of resources towards... Read more

React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 1

The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 1

In our second video on React Native: The Beginners Guide to React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 1, we jump right into the basic fundamentals necessary to design and layout a mobile application. Such as View, SafeAreaView, Scrollview, and StyleSheets. To explain these fundamentals, we start by building a new application and follow a set of examples to fully examine each concept in detail. Just in case you missed the first video or you need a refresher you can find the first video Started Using React Native For Your Mobile Applications here. React-Native Fundamental Concepts Part 1 focuses on: View SafeAreaView ScrollView StyleSheets For a full list of components and APIs goto On Mobile devices the idea of Views are containers that support... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Krishna Mohan – Turning Specific Experience Into General Solutions

This episode starts a discussion with Krishna Mohan.  We start with some of his background and a journey from specific experiences to building general solutions.  This is a story about converting your unique experience and approach into something that is a fit for others that they may not have found otherwise. A Typical Start There is a lot of Krishna’s background that can be glossed over and seem typical.  He started out as a hard worker and smart individual then went to work for a big company.  That could have been almost the end and he could have ridden that corporate path.  However, he saw value in what he had experienced that was unique and needed to be shared.  All... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Meaningful Discussions – Learning From Others While Giving Back

This episode offers a side trip during the interviews season and focuses on meaningful discussions.  We have mentioned difficult discussions.  However, the important ones are the ones that teach us and provide experience without having to experience failure.  We can find them anywhere and just need to go into them with an intent to go deeper. Meaningful Discussions – Start With Tell Me Your Story There are many ways to get others to share their experience with you.  I have found the best way is to directly ask them to share their story.  This may be the journey of their career or how they managed to buy that hotdog they are eating.  The scope and range can vary widely.  However,... Read more