develpreneur podcast

Successful Completion, Declaring Victory, and Planning The Next Steps

Sooner or later, a task we work on will reach successful completion.  That is the goal, and yes, sometimes (hopefully often) we do achieve goals.  There is value in resting in that success for a time.  However, time marches on, and we need to plan for our next goal or goals. Damage Assessment We often have a push near the end of a goal that earns us that successful completion.  It is useful to assess the damage done in that final push.  We may be tired and need a little time to recover.  On the other hand, we might have burned ourselves out, achieving that goal.  Likewise, this is the best time to measure whether the cost was worth the... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Weight of Waiting Until The Last Minute

It is not hard to find a movie or show during the holidays that shows the weight of waiting until the last minute to get things done.  It often is shown in terms of delaying your gift purchases.  However, we can see other examples of how challenges impact when we are already spread thin.  We feel the pain of unexpected events much more when we have a full schedule than when we have some buffer built-in. Working Well Under Pressure These examples can be applied to all areas of our life.  Nevertheless, many of us work better under pressure.  Or at least we claim to do so.  There is a burst of energy we get when under pressure.  This chemical... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Celebrate Achievements and Victories – Do Not Forget A Job Well Done

We have calendars full of tasks and items to be done.  However, we must take time and celebrate achievements.  Whether we have successes daily or rarely, it is worth our time to revel in the positive feelings from a job well done.  No time is better for this bit of “self-indulgence” than year-end review and planning.  Looking forward and planning for the new year is important.  However, we can learn a lot and build confidence by embracing what we accomplished in the prior year. Why We Celebrate Achievements One can argue that getting something done is not worth a celebration.  Do you celebrate brushing your teeth or making your bed?  No, we do not.  However, we could achieve a little... Read more

No Meeting Week

Should Your Team Adopt No-Meeting Weeks?

This is a Great Article From Mountain Goat Software. No-meeting weeks are not a new concept. There are pros and cons to this approach. Thus it should not be adopted lightly. I read with interest about Google’s recent adoption of “No-Meeting Weeks.” Initiatives such as this have been proposed and used many times by many companies in the past. Google’s is in response to the increased fatigue many of us feel from the shift to all-remote work. As appealing as it sounds to have a week with no meetings, I think it’s a bad idea. The resurfacing of this idea, popping up afresh every few years, leads me to reason that it must not work. Companies start with great fanfare,... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Side Hustle Ideas From Your Annual Review and Planning

Every year we find ourselves reviewing what was done and planning for the months ahead.  We do this as part of crafting New Year’s resolutions or to plan for our business.  When we have a side hustle that makes this time more valuable.  As an incentive for you to get your planning and review done, here are some side hustle ideas that can come from this investment. Seasonal Problems As Side Hustle Ideas Seasonal problems are some of the most frustrating.  We suffer through them each season.  However, we tend to forget about them once the season passes.  Then we see it again and do not have the time to craft a solution that we can use now.  Instead of... Read more

Project Lifecycle Software

Project Lifecycle Software – Finding The Best Approach For Your Solution

A good project lifecycle software program is a valuable asset to any business today. Even more so when trying to secure approval for any project they wish to undertake. However, when it comes to choosing the right kind of program, you need to look at the various models available. Then you have the data to evaluate which of these will best suit your requirements. Below we will take a close look at the various models. However, there are points to note. None of these can be interchanged with the others. Thus, we need to examine their weaknesses and strengths closely. The one that you choose should be one that can easily identify the risks that you may face. Therefore, it... Read more