develpreneur podcast

Work Boundaries and Constraints For Greater Success

We are moving to more and more remote options for our job and career.  However, we need to set work boundaries if we are going to enjoy long-term success.  These constraints on our schedules will help us find a balance between work and other areas of life.  Your family will thank you, and so will your general health. Physical Work Boundaries Our work environment is an essential ingredient in our success.  There have been numerous studies on ergonomic environments and how they help us.  Our physical comfort is important at home as well as in the office.  Unfortunately, we often give up true comfort at home for ease and other reasons. For example, many of us will sit in bed... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Setting a Professional Development Pace For Success

We frequently look for ways to become better.  One part of that approach is steady (daily) forward progress.  However, this approach can be exhausting and even lead to burnout.  Therefore, we need to be aware of our professional development pace and avoid allowing it to drag us down. Daily Pacing The Pomodoro technique is a well-known approach to setting a pace through our day.  This creates periods of focused work and then rest.  The specifics of the focus and rest periods vary from person to person.  Some people do better with longer periods of focus, while others need more regular breaks.  This timing of focus and rest shows in many educational situations, including conferences.  We typically limit educational presentations (focused... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Hard Work Pays Off – You Get Out What You Put In

There is an old saw that hard work pays off.  It may seem to be a truth that only holds in some cases.  However, things tend to work out for us when we put in the time, effort and have some patience.  A recent “pay-off” reminded me that overnight success is seldom overnight. The 10000 Hour Rule There is a book that talks about how it takes ten thousand hours to master something.  That is a focus on developing a skill.  On the other hand, we develop soft skills and recognition around areas we focus on.  That is easily seen in areas like blogging, videos, and other content production.  The more you research and talk about a topic, the more... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Agile Principles Summary – Our Next Steps

In this final episode of the Agile Manifesto season, we look at the key takeaways we should have.  These items have been a focus throughout the season.  However, we can not ignore these critical aspects of “doing Agile right.”  This agile principles summary will give us some items to consider as we try to improve as developers. Satisfy The Customer The final judge for any product is the customer.  You may try to provide the example of movies that have critics and reviews.  Nevertheless, the bottom line is always the essential indicator as to whether a product is successful.  We will not get our customers to use a product that does not properly solve a problem (or problems).  We must... Read more

software components

6 Agile Project Management Approaches For Your App Development

Project management is a vast paradigm and does not just apply to app development. An app developed through agile project management can certainly help achieve faster and error-free results. Furthermore, it will ensure the application is aligned with the customer needs and requirements. Mobile applications are at the epicenter of every business plan today. With emerging technologies and newer approaches,  the development of applications has gained traction and has brought some new challenges. One of these challenges is project management of the app development. Project Management Approaches Project management is a collaborative use of tools, techniques, skills, and knowledge to manage the project and achieve the best results. Since the agile methodology has been utilized, the app development projects have... Read more

develpreneur podcast

More Agile Development Patterns – Swarm and More

We are nearing the end of the season on the Agile Manifesto and more.  However, we have several agile development patterns left to consider before wrapping this up.  The themes of teamwork, communication, and satisfying the customer continue to pop up as part of this series of patterns. Swarm Agile assumes that things will happen that require us to change our approach.  These challenges may be new features that are critical, bugs, or highly underestimated tasks.  We all have seen these sorts of obstacles that threaten to derail our best-laid plans.  The swarm pattern is one way to handle such issues.  We use this pattern to assign all resources to a single item or task with the goal of “knocking... Read more