develpreneur podcast

Satisfy The Customer – The Agile Manifesto

We start our focus on the Agile Manifesto with a deep dive into the twelve principles they address.  Thus, we begin at the first principle and will focus on that one in this episode.  This point also gives us a foundation of trying to satisfy the customer. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Satisfy The Customer Anyone that tells you Agile is primarily about anything other than the customer is misinformed.  The first item states that the highest priority is the customer.  Not only that but satisfying them.  Therefore, we are not focused on meeting requirements or even an incredible design.  Customer satisfaction is number one.  Many things go into... Read more


Python-Django: A Crash Course Introduction

Python-Django is a combination for web development that is growing at a rapid pace.  There are also new services being added to the AWS list on an almost daily basis.  When you combine these two facts, it makes sense to spend time on a crash course that will get us up to speed on these platforms.  We start this series with a high-level look at Python and Django. Python-Django in Under 60 Minutes The bulk of this tutorial highlights how to get started with this combination as we leave the AWS focus for a future presentation.  When you are done with this you should be able to get the basics of a hello world created in Python and Django.  However,... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Agile Manifesto – A Deep Dive

The Agile Manifesto was a game-changing paper many years ago.  That impact is still felt today.  However, there are a lot of thoughts that are expressed that are often lost.  In this season of becoming a better developer, we look at all of the truths this short document highlights.  There are twelve principles that are worth digging into. This approach will help us look for ways to learn from those that went before us. The Agile Manifesto Launched Many Modern Processes A large portion of modern development theory points back to this document.  We perform many tasks that can be directly linked back to suggestions from the twelve principles.  Examples include CI/CD, sprints, scrum, and many others.  That does not... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Business Agreements – Lessons Learned

Most of us are technical in our background and focus.  However, we have many facets of business we need to understand to be successful.  The area of business agreements can be confusing and seem overly formal.  Nevertheless, the documents related to this area are an essential part of clear communication and protecting the parties covered. Read The Fine Print First, let’s focus on the risks of signing business agreements.  It is not at all uncommon to be asked to sign a non-disclosure or non-compete agreement.  These often are mostly boilerplate and legalese.  However, there will be critical portions of these documents you need to understand completely.  These portions are the ones that define restrictions placed on you. The scope of... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Writing A Book – Getting Started, And Completing The Goal

This episode sees a return to the work involved in writing a book.  First, you should consider aiming for this lofty goal.  It is not as monumental as it seems and can be a substantial confidence-booster.  Not everyone writes a book, and we have a wealth of topics from which to choose.  We also have short-form options like an e-book.  You can even attempt a children’s book.  The opportunities are endless. Choose A Topic The first step is often the hardest.  That is the case when writing a book.  It is not trivial to select a topic for your book, whether it is short or a novel.  Nevertheless, this is an essential step in writing and a task that is... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Creating a Podcast – Lessons Learned

The intermission between seasons comes at a time where a retrospective seems appropriately placed.  This episode focuses on creating a podcast and some of the key steps I take to get that task done.  I decided to skip a technical laundry list and instead provide helpful hints.  My goal is to provide content that will help you get your podcast off the ground. A Quiet Environment It may seem obvious to recommend a quiet environment.  However, a checklist may help you with this.  I have learned from experience that it is easy to forget things that cause interruptions.  Here is an example from my environment. Shut the office doors. Put the phone on vibrate and place it away from the... Read more