develpreneur podcast

Three Ways To Avoid Burnout

The worst thing that can happen to your career is burnout.  This situation can do lasting damage to your reputation as well as eat away at years of progress.  Therefore, any steps you take to avoid burnout are worthwhile.  Likewise, the situation is one that makes even desperate attempts at avoiding it worth the risk.  The suggestions we review are not complicated, can be done quickly, and often turn the tide towards burnout. Make A Change A change is always critical to avoid burnout.  The situation you are in has been too steady and consistent for too long.  That is at least part of what led to burnout.  Thus, we need to make a change.  The course we have been... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Three Important Software Design Patterns To Recognize and Understand

There are a wealth of reasons for understanding and recognizing software patterns.  However, these three crucial software design patterns appear in many different environments.  They might even rise to the level of things you should know even without knowing what they are called.  These patterns are prevalent and used heavily in modern software solutions. Model-View-Controller (MVC) The first pattern in our list is an architectural approach that is found in many modern web applications.  We have seen advances beyond this simple and reliable pattern.  Nevertheless, this approach is perfect for common CRUD applications.  That makes it an excellent starting point for a minimally viable product while allowing for extensive growth.  As always, a solid foundation is a key to future... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Three Signs Of Burnout – Address These Before Its Too Late

The steady path of continuous improvement can be derailed by burnout.  This situation can not only halt progress, but it can also cause us to fall backward.  The time and progress lost can be difficult to regain and cause a significant setback.  Therefore, we need to be aware of the signs of burnout and be prepared to make changes before it is too late. The Feeling of Being In A Rut One of the first signs of burnout is that sense of being in a rut.  The days start to run together, and progress is hard to recognize.  This state can be due to an actual spinning of wheels on a project or might be entirely in your mind.  In... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Better Developers Do These Three Things

It only makes sense that we would provide a list of things that better developers do during this season.  That is a primary focus of this site and one that is easy to step into.  None of these three tips are challenging to implement.  Nevertheless, each one builds over time to become a juggernaut of improvement.  These can make your career a successful one, no matter where you begin. Constant Learning It is no surprise that technology moves at a rapid pace.  There are new things to learn every day.  While that study flow of fresh content is impossible to keep up with, you will need to embrace learning.  An attitude of constant learning as one of your core tasks... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Three Impressive Achievements We Can All Do

All resumes are not created equal.  There are impressive achievements we can list that will make us stand out from the crowd.  While these are goals that take some time and effort, many are not out of reach for anyone in the modern world.  Here are three such goals you can achieve to become a better developer and “wow” your colleagues. Write a Book There is still enough mystique around the title of “author” to impress many in the professional world.  That makes writing a book an option worth looking into.  One of the barriers to this goal is the perception that it is a huge undertaking.  While I do not want to downplay the work and self-discipline that is... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Interview Better With These Three Tips

One of the ways to achieve your dream job is to interview better.  That allows us to impress decision-makers and win the positions we are suited for.  However, a good interview requires time and practice as well as being intentional about the process.  Here are three tips to prepare for that next position and win over the interviewers. Research The Position and Company Nearly every interview starts with a “let us tell you about us” introduction.  This can sometimes drag out deep into the interview time slot.  Avoid this theft of time you can use to impress by driving the introduction.  Talk about what you know about the company and direct the conversation by asking for clarification or insight from... Read more