Fixing the 2MB limit in WordPress
WordPress has a default limit of 2MB for any file uploaded to the system. However, the value is easy to change by adjusting some PHP settings... Read more
WordPress has a default limit of 2MB for any file uploaded to the system. However, the value is easy to change by adjusting some PHP settings... Read more
WordPress is a great stand alone solution for blogging. You can quickly adopt themes and launch a blog site in under an hour. However, sometimes... Read more
If you are using Amazon EC2 instance to run WordPress, then one of the biggest challenges you will encounter is running out of system memory. The... Read more
Bootstrap is one of the most widely used responsive CSS libraries around. Here is a list of the most useful Bootstrap properties you should consider using. Read more
Building websites used to be an easy task. We only had a handful of browsers we needed to test to ensure our websites would display... Read more
CSS properties are very powerful but can be frustrating to use. Here is a quick review of the most common properties that are compatible with most browsers. Read more