Databases are excellent systems companies, and individuals can use to capture and store data.  However, one’s ability to access and manage this data may be a bit daunting.  For instance, one way to access a database is through a command line interface (CLI) tool.  These tools provide access from a terminal or command interface to access, manage, and retrieve data from a database.  Unless you are a Database Administrator or DBA, I would not recommend using these tools to access your data.  Instead, I would suggest looking at using some form of Database IDE’s.

There are many third party companies out there that provide users with graphical interfaces interface or IDE’s.  The primary task of these applications is to simplify user access to data.  For example, if you are a Microsoft shop you will probably want to use SQL Server Management Studio.  If you are using MySQL, then you may want to consider using the MySQL Workbench.  However, in many cases, you will need to use or support multiple database types.  In these cases, I would recommend looking at third-party tools.  Especially the tools that allow you to access multiple databases from one interface.

Which Database IDE’s Should You Use?

Here is a list of database IDE’s that offer a combination of these features:


The free version of this application provides most of the functionality many users will need to manage and maintain their databases.  This Database IDE makes it easy to add and configure databases.  All you need is a driver for your database and the login credential.  Once you are connected, you can navigate the database using a variety of navigation windows similar to that of most file navigation systems.  From the Navigator, you can view database properties, table data, and run queries.  The main limitation of the free version is you are only able to have one command window open at a time.  Other database features are inaccessible.  For instance, under the table references tab for displaying a tables ER diagram.

Click here to learn more about DBVisualizer.


This tool is a powerful commercial application.  The biggest feature of DBSchema is its ability to generate an ER diagram against and database.  The ER Diagram is a huge feature for those who are new to databases.  Which can be beneficial for those unfamiliar with their current database setup?  Just like the other tools DBSchema comes with a SQL Editor.  However, the most useful feature I found was the Query Builder.  Users can drag a table into the builder and select which columns to view.  What makes this so powerful is the ability see and connect to other tables based on foreign key relations.  Making it easy to create joins and gain access to related data.

Click here to learn more about DBSchema.

Squirrel SQL

This tool is has a large open source community that is currently providing continuous updates.  The application is built on Java 1.8 and Java FX.  When you first open Squirrel, you will notice it has a similar Database IDE to that of DBVisualizer and DBeaver.  For example, the ability to connect to any database as long as the database drivers are present.  Plus an easy to use database navigation window and query editor.  However, what makes Squirrel different is its ability to use plugins.  Users can choose from over 20+ plugins.  Some of the tools include plugins for data importing, or a means to generate ER diagrams.

Click here to learn more about Squirrel SQL.


DBeaver provides all of the feature of a commercial application plus the benefits of open source.  Unfortunately, this Database IDE will require a little bit of customization up front.  It would not come as a surprise if this application were built with a developer in mind.  Since the core of this application uses the Eclipse framework.  Although a typical a business user can use this application.  It will just require some upfront configuration and customization before this may be of use to the average business user.

Click here to learn more about DBeaver.

Further Reading

If you are new to databases or need some help understanding more about these tools then check out these sites:

DBVisualizer Users Guides 

DBSchema Tutorials

Squirrel SQL FAQ

DBeaver User Docs

SQL: The Ultimate Beginners Guide: Learn SQL Today

Beginning Database Design: From Novice to ProfessionalDBVisualizer

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