One of the most significant secrets to happiness is wisdom.  Even though knowing the right thing to do and doing it are two different challenges, knowing is half the battle.  There are many ways to gain wisdom.  However, the most prevalent source is the people around us.

Listen Before You Leap

A skill that often comes up in the improvement of career, relationships, and customer satisfaction (among many others) is the ability to listen.  It is important to remember that hearing and listening are two very different things.  The action of hearing is automatic; listening is intentional. An excellent example of this is in a class or similar situation where we are there to listen to a lecture.  We lean in, listen and maybe even take notes.  If we assume life is a classroom then should we not also lean in, listen, and take notes more often in life?

Speed is Not The Key

The goal of a conversation is communication, not getting to the end.  That means that a slow discussion may be even more effective than the one you blast through.  This may not be a problem for you in your personal life.  However, how often do you spend most of your time in a conversation at work thinking about how to make your point and get back to work?  Yes, we do this in our personal lives all the time.  That is why a good listener is rare and remarkable.

Easy To Practice

Good news everyone.  This is an area where we can practice every day and in almost every situation.  Give it a shot next chance you have.  Do not worry about keeping the conversation going, allow some white space in the discussion and see if that doesn’t let you get more out of it.  Try this whether it is a conversation with your boss, your spouse, or your child.

Rob Broadhead

Rob is a founder of, and frequent contributor to, Develpreneur. This includes the Building Better Developers podcast. He is also a lifetime learner as a developer, designer, and manager of software solutions. Rob is the founder of RB Consulting and has managed to author a book about his family experiences and a few about becoming a better developer. In his free time, he stays busy raising five children (although they have grown into adults). When he has a chance to breathe, he is on the ice playing hockey to relax or working on his ballroom dance skills.

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