develpreneur podcast

Passive Income Best Practices – Avoid Anti-Patterns

There are passive income best practices we can follow to improve our odds for success.  There are also anti-patterns we want to avoid.  This area of entrepreneurship is so broad and loosely defined that best practices tend to be vague.  The anti-patterns are much easier to detail and avoid as we launch our product. Passive Income Best Practices Avoid Time-Wasters The income portion of the PI equation follows typical business recommendations.  You must provide a product that customers want.  On the other hand, the passive side of the equation can be far more challenging and even counter-intuitive.  These are simple in nature, and they often boil down to avoiding time wasters.  However, sometimes the things that make our products great... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Outsource And Automate For Passive Income

We have often discussed how we can outsource and automate our processes.  This approach allows us to reduce the hustle portion of our side-hustle.  While that is a crucial step, it is also one that can provide its own challenges.  Outsourcing, in particular, is a learned skill and one that takes patience and research.  In this episode, we will look at some key considerations when you take this essential step. Refine Processes To Outsource And Automate Automation and outsourcing are similar in one core aspect.  They require us to refine and tightly define our processes.  We cannot be vague in our understanding or describing our processes.  If we are not specific in our definitions, then how can we expect a... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Reducing Expenses For Some Passive Income

It is hard to argue that reducing expenses is not the least exciting episode of this season.  Nevertheless, this is an important part of our passive income strategy.  Debt is a killer of any income.  Also, any funds we free up can be used for investing and other income streams.  That makes this an essential part of the move to being a master of passive income. Reducing Expenses Adds Up Investing income builds over time.  On the other hand, debt reduces our funds over time.  Think of it as a form of negative passive income.  That means any obligation we have will automatically kill our passive income attempts and what that provides.  Of course, we could generate passive income to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Cashback and Rewards For Passive Income

It is hard to flip through a magazine or sit through television commercials without being exposed to a cashback program.  These come in many forms.  Some provide points or tokens of some sort, while others credit your account or even send you cash.  No matter how these work, they are all ways to get paid for spending money.  While not fully passive, these are good programs to take advantage of. Cashback Is Passive We all have to spend money.  These expenditures may be in small or large amounts, but it is a fact of life.  We spend money to live, whether through food, clothing, or shelter.  All of these are essential to our existence and require us to do some... Read more

user experience

User Experience Design For Developers

User experience design (UX) is a hot topic these days.  Everyone is getting on board with the idea that UX is key to the success of products and sites.  Therefore, we should look for ways to help craft that experience throughout the SDLC.  Also, we can all contribute to this essential facet of software development.  User experience is not just for the graphic designers on our team. User Experience Design is a Team Effort We all know that there are people best suited to designing the application experience.  They understand things like compatible colors, which fonts work best, and much more.  However, all of us can work to make the best design possible.  We all have been users of some... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Turn Your Hobby Into Passive Income

One of the best ways to generate a passive income stream is to profit from what you already do.  We have looked at a couple of ways to do this.  However, a hobby may be the best of these options.  We are essentially taking what we do for fun and turning it into a way to make money.  This discussion is not just about loving your job. It is about getting paid for the things you love to do. A Hobby Is Fun We have hobbies for many reasons.  One of the essential reasons for a hobby is that it “makes us happy.”  It may be that we do these things to reduce stress or find solitude, but even in... Read more