develpreneur podcast

The Death March AntiPattern

The death march anti-pattern is one of the most painful to endure.  There is even a tendency to envy those involved in actual ones.  This situation crushes morale and feels like it will never end. Defining the Death March Anti-Pattern This anti-patten is so common we can go to Wikipedia for a good definition. [Click Here to See The Page] “In project management, a death march is a project that the participants feel is destined to fail, or that requires a stretch of unsustainable overwork. The general feel of the project reflects that of an actual death march because project members are forced to continue the project by their superiors against their better judgment.“ I think the key here is the word “unsustainable.”  There are... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Cover Your Assets – The CYA Anti-Pattern

In this episode, we cover another anti-pattern that everyone has experienced.  However, the CYA approach is not often seen as something to avoid.  There are downsides to the cover your assets approach that need to be seen for what they are so our use of it is tempered. Defining the Cover Your Assets Anti-Pattern The site has a short and sweet definition of this anti-pattern for us. [Click Here to See The Page] “Document driven software processes often employ authors who list alternatives instead of making decisions.“ This definition provides us something close to analysis paralysis but from a different starting point.  There are many reasons why we stumble into this anti-pattern.  It can be to provide plenty of... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Intellectual Violence – A Short-Sighted Anti-Pattern

This anti-pattern implies a heavier hand than is common.  While the intellectual violence anti-pattern sounds shocking and over-the-top, it is common and often subtle.  We have many ways of shutting down discussion or “protecting our turf” that are easy to miss. Defining the Intellectual Violence Anti-Pattern The Sourcemaking site has a good definition and discussion about this anti-pattern.  They also focus on the primary issue with this anti-pattern. [Click Here to See The Page] “Intellectual Violence occurs when someone who understands a theory, technology, or buzzword uses this knowledge to intimidate others in a meeting situation. This may happen inadvertently due to the normal reticence of technical people to expose their ignorance.“ That primary issue I mentioned is that it... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Reinventing The Wheel – An Age-Old Anti-Pattern

It is hard to go through life without being warned against reinventing the wheel at some point.  This recommendation is a general warning to avoid duplicating effort where possible.  Thus, we have an easy to understand anti-pattern.  On the other hand, we should look deeper to determine whether we are avoiding an anti-pattern. Defining the Reinventing The Wheel Anti-Pattern The DevIQ site has a simple definition and problem description that serve as an excellent basis for our discussion. [Click Here to See The Page] “It’s common for software developers and some organizations to prefer to write something they may need for a given project themselves, rather than using an available open source or commercial offering.  Generally, it’s best to avoid... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Swiss Army Knife AntiPattern

A swiss army knife is a great tool to carry around with you.  However, this anti-pattern tells us that building a one-stop-shop for your design functionality is a wrong approach.  Several problems arise when you throw almost everything into a single class. Defining the Swiss Army Knife Anti-Pattern I found a good blog post on this anti-pattern to provide our definition.  The article focuses on an interface, but it holds for a class in general as well. [Click Here to See The Page] “Swiss Army Knife Interface is an interface class which has excessive number of method definitions. Architect/designer may design this interface to use for every need of the software, but this is a wrong approach and an antipattern.... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Architecture By Implication – An Easy Anti-Pattern to Fall Into

While experience is an excellent teacher, it is not a silver bullet.  Every problem we tackle is a little different.  Thus, we should follow best practices even when we think we have done this all before.  When we instead believe we can take short-cuts, we are likely to be practicing architecture by implication. Defining the Architecture By Implication Anti-Pattern We go with a lengthy definition this time around.  I recommend you check out the whole page for even more details about this problem. [Click Here to See The Page] “This AntiPattern is characterized by the lack of architecture specifications for a system under development. Usually, the architects responsible for the project are experienced with previous system construction, and assume that documentation is... Read more