develpreneur podcast

Finding Mentors To Advance Your Knowledge and Career

There are many tools that will help us keep up with technology and even advance our career.  These have differing values.  However, finding mentors is often at the top of the list of high-value options.  While there can be a lot of time and money spent on finding a mentor, that is not the only way.  There are plenty of potential mentors already in your life. Co-Workers and Professional Associates The best place to look for a mentor is among the people you already have a regular relationship with.  That means your current team and associates is where to start first.  There may be potential mentors that have decades more experience than you, but others may fit as well or... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Developer Tool Categories You Should Know

While we have discussed a broad range of tools over the years.  There are a lot of good ones out there that are free and even better ones that are commercial.  Well, in most cases.  It can be incredibly time-consuming and challenging t keep up with all the options out there.  However, we can make it easier on our learning schedule by reducing our focus to developer tool categories. What Are Some Developer Tool Categories? When you think about your ability to make use of tools, it becomes obvious that there is a practical limit to usage.  For example, it makes little sense to have two IDE’s for your Java development.  Pick one and use that.  On the other hand, there are... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Increasing Productivity and Quality With Proper Tools

One of the side effects of becoming a better developer is increasing productivity and quality.  You literally get more value from time spent on a task.  These improvements can come through skills or through using tools.  That is the focus of this episode.  Part of becoming a better developer is adding to the list of tools available for a task. One Trick Ponies Unfortunately, there are developers that master a tool or two and never advance from them.  While they are very productive with what they know, there are advances in tools that will pass them by.  An extreme example is the development languages themselves.  Think about how hard it would be to create a modern application in machine language.  Even... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Enhancing Your Resume With Development Tools

A big part of advancing your career includes enhancing your resume.  There will be new skills you pick up along the way, and it helps to let others know about them.  This consists of the tools you use in your daily work.  Even those that you use occasionally can be the first step into a new job. Enhancing Your Resume, Not Spamming Key Words First and foremost, this topic is not about spamming your resume with tool names.  Instead, this should be an exercise of putting things on your resume that make you who you are.  Where languages and platforms are the most valuable aspects of your professional profile, tools are also useful in enhancing your resume.  These items tend... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Researching New Tools and Technologies

Learning for our personal purposes is not the limit of what IT workers are asked to do.  There are also situations where we need to learn the latest tools or technology advances.  Unfortunately, these are not often tasks assigned to junior staff.  However, researching new tools is an excellent way to add to our resume and general skill set.  Therefore, we should take on these assignments when they become available. Researching New Tools For A Project An assignment to research technology or tools will include a deliverable.  Thus, we need to develop a process and approach for accomplishing our goals and reporting the results.  Fortunately, we have been doing this for years.  Nearly every skill we learn includes a proof of mastery.  That may... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Career Advancement Through Training and Conferences

There are many ways to add to our skills and advance our career.  While on-the-job learning is essential, formal learning situations can move the ball forward at a faster pace.  Training and conferences fit this bill perfectly.  However, the cost of one of these options can be more than our employer (or we) are willing to take on. Plan For Training and Conferences Budgeting is critical.  This is true no matter if you are paying the bill or you are asking your boss for the company to cover it.  There is often a suitable return on investment for taking part in a conference or training.  Thus, the challenge is freeing up the funds for it.  First, building these educational opportunities into... Read more