develpreneur podcast

AWS Internet of Things Services

One of the latest advances is the Internet of Things.  As one would think, this focus on small and connected devices has not been lost on Amazon.  They may be one of the most visible adopters of this wave of technology.  Thus, it should not be surprising that they have a large number of services to assist you in your IoT strategy. AWS IoT Core The core helps you connect devices to the cloud.  This is a quick way to connect your applications to the cloud and exchange data through it.  However, it is more than an API and provides a means to message and exchange data much more like a queue system. Amazon FreeRTOS This is an IoT Operating System... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Hosting Options – Free and Low Cost Solutions

We turn to hosting in this episode of our search for free and low-cost tools.  To be honest, free is not a long-term option with these tools although you can find a few that will start free.  These are popular, provide excellent support, and a solid list to begin with if you need to build out a hosting solution. Bluehost URL: This is a solution that is best suited to WordPress hosting.  It is easy to use and inexpensive, so it makes a perfect solution for a small business or consultancy that wants to provide an occasional blog article.  The plugins and customizations are a little limited.  However, these should be more than your typical customer will need. GoDaddy URL: When... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Interpreter Pattern

In this episode, we look at a behavioral pattern that is key for solving certain types of problems.  These happen to be grammar and translation applications.  Thus, the interpreter pattern gives us a way to do precisely that.  We use this to interpret text into a set of commands. The Interpreter Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” intent to set the stage for our discussion. “Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.” This makes complete sense if you understand language grammars.  For the rest of us, let’s break this down a little bit through an example.  We will assume you are reading a... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Amazon AWS Analytics Services

The AWS analytics group of services has a lot of members.  These are some of the newer offerings from Amazon.  However, they are very effective to use in professional development and learning more about your enterprise environment. Amazon Athena Query Data in S3 using SQL.  Store your data in S3.  Then you can define your schema on top of the data set and run queries.  The UI is not very awesome currently, but it is a way to avoid building out a data warehouse for your needs.  This serverless query service can get you analytical data back quickly.  Better yet, it comes without all of the typical setup. Amazon CloudSearch Managed Search Service.  This service provides a way for you to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Hot Technology and Advances for 2019

Every year it is common to see articles about the next hot technology that will be part of our lives in the year ahead.  We are not going to skip this opportunity to provide our thoughts on the matter as well.  These items may seem obvious, but that does not mean you can treat them lightly.  Here are some areas you should advance your knowledge to stay relevant in 2019. Azure and Office 365 Microsoft has been pouring features and applications into their Office 365 and now Azure offerings.  Every week seems to bring new things to learn about your subscription and what it has for you.  This includes hot areas like security and managing your cloud (structure and users).  There are... Read more

develpreneur podcast

A Look Back on What We Learned in 2018

One of our annual topics is a look back at the year we have completed.  In this episode, we cover precisely that and look at what we learned in 2018.  Ok, maybe this is what we should have learned.  In any case, this holiday special may give you some items to catch up on during your time off. Java Is Still Growing Microsoft has been pushing forward on C# and .NET languages.  Java is now joining that rapid change approach.  After some early rapid development (pre version 6) it stabilized for a few years.  However, it is now getting on a track where a lot of changes have come in the last year and are planned in the upcoming months... Read more