develpreneur podcast

Making The Most of Your Holiday or Vacation Downtime

In this special episode before the Holidays, we look at some ways to make the most of your downtime.  We have focused on how to squeeze more out of every minute.  However, there are also times we need to rest and relax.  When we use our downtime correctly, there will be a benefit in productivity, health, and even drive when our work schedule resumes. Downtime Rest Sleep and rest are often at the top of our list during these periods.  We do not tend to sleep very much or often.  Therefore, one of the most significant benefits of some downtime is the ability to recharge physically through proper sleep and rest.  The goal should be to use these vacation periods to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Cross Platform Mail Client – Free and Low Cost

There are those that say email is dead and texting is the most popular form of communication.  However, those people are also the most likely to have an inbox with thousands of unread emails.  For most of us, the mail client is one of our most used applications.  While these applications have almost become a commodity, there are still some important distinctions among the top players.  There are also some new kids on the block worth a look. Spark URL: This is a nice front end for those of us that have several different email accounts to keep track of.  It has mobile application versions as well so you can feel like you are always in the same solution across all... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Command Pattern

We continue our look into the behavioral patterns with an examination of the Command pattern.  This is another one of them that will seem very familiar.  In fact, you have probably made use of this in one way or another in your code. The Command Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” intent to set the stage for our discussion. “Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.” This intent is short and sweet both in the description and in implementation.  The goal is to create an object that can be passed around as a function.  When we do this, we are allowed... Read more

Finding Your Best Side Hustle – Avoiding Mistakes

There are some that say any side hustle is a good one. The very act of starting into a side hustle is your first step into entrepreneurship.  While that may be true, your best side hustle is one that you enjoy and can turn into a full-time job.  This is one of those activities that are easy to understand but can be very difficult to implement. Know Thyself The simple part of this activity is to take a close look at what you truly enjoy.  This may be a challenge if you have always focused on paying bills over a fulfilling career.  Nevertheless, this is a critical step, and there is no time like the present to know what makes... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Amazon Mobile Services

The Amazon mobile services group is one of the newer ones in their offerings.  However, that does not mean it is something you want to skip over.  These solutions are likely to be very valuable to your mobile application development efforts.  They will help you increase productivity and ease your integration with the AWS infrastructure when you use it for the solution platform. AWS Amplify This helps you build and deploy mobile and web applications.  Amplify is a development framework (libraries, components, etc.) and the CLI to help you build a mobile backend for your application.  It is compatible with React, iOS, Android, and Web-native applications.  This service frees you up to focus on your front-end and business logic rather... Read more

develpreneur podcast

E-Commerce Solutions – Free and Low Cost

E-commerce is one of the primary drivers of the Internet.  Although funny pictures of cats may seem like the largest draw, those pictures and social sites get their revenue from advertising.  That advertising is only valuable when it leads to purchasing and e-commerce is becoming the way we buy our stuff.  In this episode, we look at some excellent tools to get your electronic shop on the Internet and ready to take orders. Shopify URL: SAAS, HTML/JavaScript Easy to use, all-in-one solution with plugins as well.  Not the cheapest solution nor the easiest to customize.  On the other hand, it is easy to get started with a product or two and provides options for everyday needs like fulfillment, recurring payments, and more. XCart... Read more