develpreneur podcast

Building Your Service Offering and Resume

One of the first steps once we decide to do consulting as a side-hustle is to define our service offering.  We have the option to be a general consultant and do at large coding or technical support.  However, that is not an easy one to sell or even define.  By its nature, a broad offering will limit your ability to speak directly to a customer’s needs. Pick A Path Or A Few Start your offering thoughts with a favorite or ideal project to work on.  This may be something you can do with your eyes closed or what you love to do.  You may find it hard to narrow your focus to a tightly defined project.  That is ok.  Find... Read more

software estimation

Software Estimation: Improving Productivity, Quality, and Expectations

There is a saying that what gets measured gets improved.  That goes for software development.  Unfortunately, it is a task that is easier said than done.  This presentation looks at some ways to make software estimation easier and help us get better at it as we go. Piecewise Software Estimation A software application is often a complex beast to create.  There are a number of issues that can arise and unforeseen obstacles to encounter.  These factors are likely why failure and overrun rates are so high with these projects.  However, much like eating an elephant, you do not try to do it in one bite.  Nibble away at the goal and it will be much more likely to be achieved. We... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Creating a product specification and defining your environment

We continue defining our product in this episode.  Our prior episodes looked at the problem to solve, the solution, and general requirements.  Now we can move on to the product specification and deciding on the environment we will use to create it. Design the application structure (core, data model, methods/functions, helpers, screens/output) Challenge: Create the specification from these decisions Choices, Choices, Choices The modern landscape provides a seemingly infinite combination of choices when we consider languages, data stores, platforms, delivery method, and the other variations available to a solution.  There are several things to consider in making this decision. Languages you know (or want to learn) A Suitable platform for your customers The cost to you and thus customers Speed and... Read more

Elastic Container Service

Amazon Elastic Container Service – Containers Made Easy

Containers are a big deal in development.  This is an excellent tool for coding but can be a bit of a challenge once we get to deployment.  Never fear, Amazon and their AWS offerings have thought about that and provided a solution.  This is where the elastic container service comes into play.  Instead of creating a virtual system that you can place containers on, this allows you to directly deliver your containers without all of the sizing issues. Pricing and Usage If I have a complaint about Amazon, it is that the pricing can be a bit tricky to figure out.  Of course, you always have the option of running a service for days or weeks to get a good... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Creating Your Product Requirements

In this episode, we look at creating the product requirements for our side hustle software.  Even though we have a lot of this information in our head, it is good practice to put it on paper.  This exercise will help us think through our plan more thoroughly before we begin.  It will also give us another experience in building out product requirements on our journey to become better developers. The Users It helps to think about the end users from the start.  This is the audience for your product and the ultimate deciders whether this is a success or not.  You can stay broad in your definition.  However, the more specific you can make your ideal users the better your product will... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Kick Off For Online Consulting

This episode kicks off a new season focused on how to launch your online consulting side hustle.  The weekly episodes will walk you through making a plan, creating marketing materials, landing a customer, and then repeat business.  Time to get started. Set Your Online Consulting Goals Any good business starts with a vision.  You need to take this step even with your side hustle.  Consider your goals, maybe even a vision statement for your side hustle.  Your intentions may be to learn more skills, earn some extra income, or tackle a broader range of projects.  All of these are reasonable goals and will help you decide what customers are the best fit for you.  Customers do not just choose you.  Your goals... Read more