develpreneur podcast

Thinking Big – When The End Overwhelms The Means

Hope is a critical factor in a happy life and, in my opinion, that includes thinking big.  The challenge is in remembering that any goal we set is a journey, not a “beam me up, Scotty” teleportation to that end.  This can crush our hopes if we see that goal as too big to get to from here.  Do not throw out your goals for being too big.  Find a waypoint (or several) to help you avoid being overwhelmed. Can’t Get There From Here There are cliches shown at times where someone is lost and asks for directions.  The first answer is that the destination is not reachable from the current location.  Technically, that is impossible, but a very similar... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Recording Users and Heat Maps

One of the most influential ways to improve your site is through recording users.  When I say record, this is not just noting where they clicked.  This is a recording that allows you to see the site as they do and watch as they navigate around.  It is data that can be viewed on a per visit basis or aggregated to produce a heat map of common destinations. Tools Aplenty The good news for us modern developers is that there are several tools available to perform this task.  They make it easy and affordable.  A few that are mentioned and reviewed include: Hotjar CrazyEgg LuckyOrange MouseFlow Honestly, each of these tools has its target market and price range that make... Read more

Service provider

3 Ways to Become a Service Provider as a Side Hustle or Full-time Job

In my experience, a service provider is the best way to start a business.  The ramp-up is short.  There is also the benefit that providing a service is an excellent way to do market research on a product.  Some of the best product ideas I have come across grew out of lessons learned while providing a service. For example, one of the first products I worked on was a library of tools that consultants put together as part of their daily work for clients.  Those tools just needed some organization and refinement to turn them into a product.  The market demand was already confirmed as these tools were solutions to everyday business problems faced in the field. Service Provider Options Here... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Databases Overview – Laying The Groundwork

In this episode, we continue the series of overview discussions.  This time around we will cover a databases overview.  We looked at SDLC in the prior installment of this series and will discuss databases in a two-parter.  This first part includes definitions and high-level summaries of database engines, types, and terms. Databases Overview – The Engines To the untrained observer, a database is a place to store data.  This definition works well if you do not need to go any deeper.  Unfortunately, we do, and one of the critical distinctions among databases is how they store that data.  This fact is not easier to learn by the abbreviations used in talking about them.  One of the more significant parts of this... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Free Advice and Paid Advice – What Are You Paying For?

It is not uncommon to hear some give you free advice and follow up by saying you get what you pay for.  Sometimes that is true.  Unfortunately, bad advice can cost a lot if you follow it.  On the other hand, paying for advice does not guarantee its value either.  It is important to consider the pros and cons of the source before taking action in any case. Paid Advice is More Thoughtful The biggest difference between these two types of advice is the time put into providing it.  When you ask someone for their thoughts as you pass them in the hall, they will provide something off the top of their head.  That is assuming you even get a response. ... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Making a Change to Stir the Pot

There are many ways to improve productivity.  When hockey coaches substitute a goalie for no apparent reason, they are looking to spark a response by making a change.  This same approach can be used in business or with any group you lead or manage.  It is all about the difference you make and the message that is sent. Making A Change Breaks Comfort The best outcome of a change is that it will cause discomfort.  I am not talking about the painful kind but instead getting people out of their comfort zone.  This is a way to get a group out of a rut and produce activity.  Sometimes it helps to explain why the change was made.  However, there are times... Read more