develpreneur podcast

Selling New Technology To Your Boss

Sooner or later we all face the challenge of selling our boss or team on using the latest tool or technology.  We love our work so selling new technology is a labor of love.  The technology will help us grow professionally, progress in our career, and maybe even bring world peace.  Ok, I went a little too far much like we sometimes do. Selling New Technology As An Improvement The best selling point we can make is that the advance we are pushing is a silver bullet.  If we have something that solves all your problems and leaves your breath smelling minty fresh, then it is a slam dunk.  Of course, our boss will want it.  However, this is never the case.  Even... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Keeping Up With Pop Culture

You are more likely to be focused on business and technology than pop culture if you listen to this podcast.  However, there is a value in keeping up with such general knowledge areas.  One can argue that the time required to keep up with pop culture can be spent on better things.  I would have a hard time disagreeing but the good news is that we can keep up without spending much extra time.  Also, it can be a good way to get away from a problem and find a refreshing solution. Pop Culture Knowledge Is Important For Business The latest episode of Saturday Night Live or who won a movie of the year award will rarely cause your company to... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Building a Business: All-in vs. Bootstrapping

When you start building a business there are two extremes you can follow.  There is the all-in approach on one end and the bootstrap approach on the other.  Fortunately, these are not mutually exclusive options so you can find a middle ground that works best for you. All In For Building A Business This approach is one that seems to be in most people’s heads.  There is the vision of the entrepreneur that as one that eats, sleeps, drinks, and breathes their business.  They have long days focused on their business.  This portrait is accurate in many cases.  However, it is not the only approach.  When we are all-in for our business, we are not working on anything else.  We... Read more

Software Architecture Conference

Software Architecture Conference 2018 Highlights

The O’ Reilly Software Architecture Conference 2018 was held in New York City.  It was a week full of excellent lectures, hands-on opportunities, and all things architecture related.  We departed from our normal lecture series in the mentor class to take a closer look at what topics were prevalent this year. Hot Topics Overview Many of the latest technologies and platforms were covered.  These are not surprising to anyone that keeps up with technology news.  Nevertheless, there was a lot to be gained from stories of how these advances are used by the biggest players in the industry.  Presentations from Google, Netflix, and IBM often covered projects bigger than your needs while providing some examples to learn from anyway.   O’Reilly Software Architecture... Read more

launch your business

3 Ways To Start Your Business

Think about what you like about your job.  This is where you want to go first to start your business.  By the way, we can start down this path at any time.  However, we are more likely to succeed if we have spent some time honing our skills before we try to go out on our own.  Also, starting down a path of self-employment does not mean you have to quit your job and go all-in.  The risk of starting a business can be reduced by working on a side hustle until it can sustain itself. In choosing your path, it is helpful to know that the options each have traits and approaches that are better suited to different joys... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Object-Oriented Design – A Pragmatic Approach

Object-Oriented Design has been around for a few decades now.  Therefore, we have whole generations of developers that have been taught OOD in their college courses as well as in their studies.  I am a big fan of this approach to software.  However, this, like many other theories, must be taken in moderation.  You can over-design your objects just as databases can take normalization too far. Sand vs. Legos When I mention moderation, I think of a discussion from years ago about design.  We were building a rather large and complex system at the time.  It also needed to be very flexible.  Our initial plans were not far from a microservice approach.  Every function in the system was a snippet... Read more