Bridging the Gap: How Developers Can Thrive Amidst Differing Methodologies

Bridging the Gap: How Developers Can Thrive Amidst Differing Methodologies

Welcome back to our podcast series, where this season, we are talking about the developer journey, focusing on Bridging the Gap: How Developers Can Thrive Amidst Differing Methodologies and growing together within development teams. Various milestones mark the path of a developer; some are encountered early, some later, and some recurring. One common challenge is dealing with situations where team members, bosses, or clients may have different directions or methods than what you’re accustomed to. How do you ensure you get the job done while raising necessary concerns? Let’s explore this dynamic. Check out the podcast Bridging the Gap: How Developers Can Thrive Amidst Differing Methodologies. Early Career Headbutts: The Cultural Clash In the early stages of a developer’s career,... Read more

Solving Problems Without Solving the Problem

Solving Problems Without Solving the Problem

Welcome back to episode 3 of Season 22 of our Building Better Developers podcast. In this episode, we continue exploring problem-solving strategies. Previously, we discussed general problem-solving approaches. This episode delves into a nuanced topic: Solving Problems Without Solving the Problem. This concept frequently arises in various professional contexts, particularly in project management and consultancy. Listen to Rob and Michael Discuss Solving Problems Without Solving the Problem The Paradox of Over-Delivering Often, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re asked to demonstrate your ability to solve a problem. This could be through creating a proof of concept, drafting a proposal, or designing a demo. However, the challenge lies in balancing showing your capability for solving the problem and... Read more


Embracing the Problem-Solving Mindset: From Coder to Developer

Welcome back to episode 2 of Season 22 of our podcast, where two developers discuss the journey from coder to developer. In this episode, we delve into the pivotal moments that transform a person from simply writing code to truly solving problems with technology. Problem-Solving: Journey from Coder to Developer Our host, Rob, begins by discussing an experience in high school where he participated in a programming competition. Initially, his team, comprising four coders, approached the competition by manually writing code and taking turns typing it into their single computer. Despite their best efforts, they only secured second place. This loss prompted them to rethink their strategy. The following year, they optimized their team by including a fast typist with... Read more

The Developer Journey

The Developer Journey: Welcome to Season 22

Hello, and welcome to Season 22 of our podcast! As we dive into this new season, we’re excited to embark on a journey that explores the path of becoming and evolving as developers. This season is dedicated to the developer journey, focusing on the steps and lessons contributing to building a better developer. Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your existing skills, this season has something for everyone. The Developer Journey This season is all about the various routes one can take to become a developer and the steps to improve continually. We’ll cover foundational skills, necessary certifications, and how to build a solid resume. Becoming a developer can start with a computer science degree, a coding boot... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Becoming Better Developers: A Retrospective on Season 21 of Our Developer Journey

In the final episode of season 21, the Developer podcast hosts Michael and Rob reflect on the lessons they’ve learned about becoming better developers over the past few months. Listen to Rob and Michael recap Season 21, Discussing Lessons Learned and Becoming Better Developers. Here are some of the key takeaways on Becoming Better Developers: Invest Time in Working ON Your Business, Not Just IN It One of Rob’s main realizations was that he spent too much time on client projects. He was not taking enough time to improve and market his consulting business. To address this, Rob instituted a weekly “business development” time. During this period, he would step away from client work and focus on branding, automation tools,... Read more

Document Management

Master Document Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Effective document management is crucial for operational efficiency, productivity, and compliance in today’s fast-paced business landscape. Disorganized or mismanaged documents can lead to missed opportunities, errors, and significant inefficiencies that hinder your business growth. This comprehensive guide will explore expert strategies and practical tips to help you master document management and streamline your organization’s processes. Why Document Management Matters Proper document management ensures that you can quickly and easily access the information you need when you need it. A well-organized system can save time, reduce stress, and enhance business operations. Additionally, effective document management helps ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards. Top Strategies for Effective Document Management Tools and Technologies for Effective Document Management Real-Life Examples and Common... Read more