develpreneur podcast

Gen Z Traits – An Interview With Mark Bolton

We shift gears and start a discussion with Mark Bolton about Gen Z traits and how this generation is changing and will continue to change the landscape. His focus is on the financial aspects of Generation Z and how they see things differently from prior generations. The different perspectives will impact our workplace and the business climate as we see a shift in how products will be marketed to these newcomers. The Good And The Bad of Gen Z Traits Everyone likes to judge the Gen Z traits as good or bad. However, they are just different. This generation has a different set of strengths and weaknesses from recent others. They are digital natives and very comfortable in that world.... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Plan To Get Things Done

One of the recurring themes from our discussions is a need to plan to get things done. We do not become successful by accident. Instead, we need to have a plan and find ways to execute that plan regularly. Often, that means daily progress and attention to our goals. When we keep our objectives in our focus we will advance towards them. On the other hand, a lack of focus often makes it almost impossible to get things done. A Plan To Get Things Done Adds Accountability We can set goals all day and still fall short. Our plan to get things done has more weight when we add accountability. It is one thing to make a nice list of... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Know Your Audience For YouTube Growth

We continue our discussion with Andrew Murdoch and delve into how you will grow best when you know your audience. He mentions the well-known avatar approach. However, he mentions the level of detail we need to have. This is not a synopsis of a few sentences. Instead, it is a multi-page character and lifestyle assessment. Once we know our avatar enough to write a short biography (or e-book), we are ready to work with him. The growth will be worth the effort. Our Target Grows Once We Know Our Audience Our focus on our best or ideal customer forms the bull’s eye of our target. However, that is not our sole focus. Like a game of darts, we are happy... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Be Intentional In Choosing Tasks For Career Growth

We fill much of our free time with projects and side hustles that can be tasks for career growth. However, they require us to be intentional. We should have a career roadmap to guide us through the skills and experiences we see as important to us. The fun tasks will often be on our list of things to do. Nevertheless, there are tasks we need to see as stepping stones to success that should be in the back of our minds when choosing that next project. The Best Tasks For Career Growth In the world of marketing and excitement, people often throw around the “10X your blah” phrase. While advancement may not be that fast, there are activities we can... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Thankful Over Worry

It is Thanksgiving in the States and a good time to talk about the benefit of being thankful over worry. This may seem like just another positivity pile of crap. However, it is not. There is a lot to be gained by taking this approach, and it has more to do with overall health than confirmation bias. Real Benefits of Choosing Thankful Over Worry We can all point to how anything we think becomes what we are more attuned to. A simple test of thinking of a blue car and then suddenly feeling like they are everywhere can confirm it. Of course, there is also research on attention that caused people to miss a dancing gorilla. It is sort of... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Prepare For Your Retrospective

It is time once again for our Thanksgiving special. Yes, it is that time of year when we pause and reflect a bit on how to prepare for your retrospective. This year, we will start the week with an admonition to assess the year gone by. We are dwindling down to the end of 2023 and now is the best time to review what we accomplished during that span of time. Thankful For A Retrospective? You may ask why we would use the week of Thanksgiving to talk about how to prepare for your retrospective of the year. It comes down to one thing, Holidays and travelling are perfect for such times. We have some time where we can allow... Read more