develpreneur podcast

Dress For Success – Better Dressed Developers

We change gears and talk about how to dress with success with Robyn Balsley. Yes, even developers benefit from a first impression. Furthermore, that is important for remote and work-from-home employees. Professional dress is not just for those in the office. We can adjust those Zoom calls, but we still need to make a good impression. Even Developers Need To Dress For Success There is often a view of developers as poorly or casually dressed people that live in closets and crank out code. While that may not be far from the truth in your case, there is still a lot to be gained from professional attire. Robyn provides us with excellent ideas to improve how we are perceived and... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Create A Better Resume – Land Your Dream Job

We continue our discussion with Neha Naik and talk about how to create a better resume. We look at how to make yours stand out. There is more to your work history than a list of skills and titles. However, those are also essential steps in getting seen by the right people. We include topics like certifications and degrees for those wondering how to navigate the world of job searching. Create A Better Resume With Your Approach There is value in including the right keywords on your resume. However, you can create a better resume by adding details about how you applied those skills and what you have done. The key to a good resume is showing how you brought... Read more

value of training

Value Of Training – Homework or Application

The is more to the value of training (online or in person) than simply adding a line to your resume. While that is important, there is more needed. We do not learn skills in a vacuum. They are more than an item on a list. If that were not the case, there would not be the term “paper tiger” for those with completed courses and no other value. The actual value of training comes when we can use what we learn. The Value Of Training Comes From Utility Homework and quizzes are a tool for measuring your knowledge. However, they do not truly assess how well you internalize a topic. That may be more true in development than other skill... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Recruiter Options – Interview With Neha Naik

You have several recruiter options when you are looking for a job. While similar, each has strengths and weaknesses. We start our discussion with Neha Naik with an introduction to the recruiting world from the recruiter’s perspective. Many of us see recruiters as a means to an end when we want to land that perfect job. However, that is just a piece of what they do and how they get the job done. Neha provides us an insight into the challenges recruiters face and how we can help them help us. You Have Several Recruiter Options The recruiter options available to you may seem hidden behind a curtain. We rarely consider what the focus is for the ones we work... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Getting The Most Out Of A Mastermind

We continue our conversation with Liz Scully and explore getting the most out of a mastermind. Spoiler alert, it is engagement. This is one of those areas in life where you get out what you put in and (hopefully) more. While we talk primarily about what makes a good mastermind group, we keep pointing to the goal of making it worth the investment of each member. The result at the end of a group is not to give the members advice. The goal is to have each member walk away more accomplished and self-sufficient. Getting The Most Out Of A Mastermind Comes From Engagement You will hear the word “engagement” a few times in our discussion, and the worst of... Read more

learn to solve problems

Coder or Developer – Learning To Solve Problems

The single step anyone can take to become a better developer is learning to solve problems. That is what separates coders from developers. Thus, any action you take to learn or advance skills must incorporate application. New and impressive skills are not going to help unless you also know how to apply those to problems you face, Learning To Solve Problems With A Skill A painfully simple example might be the best way to explain this situation. You can be taught the skill of creating fire. While it might seem an entertaining skill, the true value is when you learn that you can use the fire to heat cold hands or cook a meal. The fire creation skill is not... Read more