Every story of success often appears to have a point where overcoming adversity was a key to that eventual success. In this episode, we review lessons learned through past interviews and how we can all become that story of success despite the obstacles. Perspective is critical when we try to compare the challenges faced by ourselves to those seen by others.

Overcoming Adversity Is Something We All Do

We can be a glass half-full or glass half-empty person. That attitude can be the difference between overcoming adversity and curling up in a ball, waiting for the world to end. Okay, that may seem a bit extreme. However, the right attitude and the desire to succeed even through difficulties is a common thread through the stories we have heard. Yes, they had some significant setbacks. Yet, they still found a way to put one foot in front of the other on the way to a story of success.

Opportunity Instead Of Obstacle

There is an old trick to wording adversity that has almost become cliche. We can view obstacles and challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. While this may seem overly optimistic, it is also entirely accurate. There is a lot of value in the idea that the things that do not kill us make us stronger. Like it or not, that is a valid way to look at experience. We have seen and beaten challenges, so we can be confident that the next challenge can also be overcome.

Useful Interviews

We have had more than a few guests talk about their stories and overcoming adversity. Here are some episodes worth reviewing to motivate you.

Rob Broadhead

Rob is a founder of, and frequent contributor to, Develpreneur. This includes the Building Better Developers podcast. He is also a lifetime learner as a developer, designer, and manager of software solutions. Rob is the founder of RB Consulting and has managed to author a book about his family experiences and a few about becoming a better developer. In his free time, he stays busy raising five children (although they have grown into adults). When he has a chance to breathe, he is on the ice playing hockey to relax or working on his ballroom dance skills.

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