develpreneur podcast

Be A Better CEO – Interview with Donna Dube

We start a discussion with Donna Dube of the CEO Amplify podcast and how to be a better CEO whether you are a company of 1 or 1000. It is easy to get lost in all we need to do as a CEO or even as an entrepreneur. Donna talks to us about ways to be better by avoiding common pitfalls. Your Company Deserves A Better CEO Every company deserves a leader that is focused on the things that help it grow. That focus must include the things that really matter, and then the lesser things should be delegated. We want to put each task on the plate of the person best suited to handle it. That is where the... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Leverage AI To Solve Problems In New Ways

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic recently and we take this special focus episode to look at how we can leverage AI. There are some very popular ways to use this new tool that have to do with content generation. However, there are so many fuzzy logic problems out there to solve it seems that is a logical focus for better gains. Think Out Of The Box To Leverage AI A new technology provides us with a ew way to solve problems. That opens the door to productivity gains but, more importantly, there will be new areas to explore. We may have a solution that has always required manual intervention that now can be automated. There is a whole world... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Build A Company You Would Work For

Our interview with Chris Barkhurst concludes with how he has built a company you would work for in a heartbeat. It is one he would want to work for. There are benefits that make the company one that forces a work-life balance. However, they also make sure they get the job done. He has created a perfect example of how healthy and happy employees can do more in less time. Why Build A Company You Would Work For? There are many reasons to set this goal. Chris found his motivation in talking to his father. We can lose sight of the important things in life as a business grows. Thus, it is best to build a company you would work... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Success Through Perseverance And Determination

One of the things we have seen through many interviews is the idea of success through perseverance. It is more than not quitting; it is driving forward. Obstacles are a part of life, and we can either let them stop us or find a way through them. It is an over-simplification to focus on not quitting. We also can not succeed by simply treading water. We All Stumble But Can Find Success Through Perseverance Every success story seems to have numerous setbacks that have to be addressed. In fact, taking a step backward seems like a regular occurrence as we grow. We have to balance that with two or more steps forward after we regress. Those who succeed share that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Use Cases For AI – Interview With Chris Barkhurst

Our interview with Chris Barkhurst is one of those that everyone needs to hear as it delves into use cases for AI. This field has so much buzz and conjecture that it can be overwhelming. However, Chris breaks it down so that you can understand where his companies apply this new technology. New And Unique Use Cases For AI It should not surprise us that some incredible use cases for AI go beyond the content creation we often hear about. Chris shares some niche yet fascinating areas where AI can make a difference. They range from the almost scary voice on the other end of a support call to the game-changing evaluation of baseball collector cards. The broad range of... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Cleaning Your Task List

The start of a new year can be the best time for cleaning your task list. Nothing says a fresh start like an entire new year ahead. However, we must ensure we complete those year-end tasks that can easily be forgotten. Some things on our to-do list are too important to forget, but maintenance and accounting tasks can be glossed over. That can cause problems big and small. Cleaning Your Task List Items From Last Year An oil change is an example of those tasks that we can push off to another day or week. It will not make much difference for a short time, but forgetting can cause major problems. There are many business tasks like this. They range... Read more