develpreneur podcast

Simplicity – Avoid Doing Busywork

Simplicity is an integral part of satisfying the customer.  Ideally, we would provide them a button to click that does everything they want.  However, that is rarely possible.  We build complex systems that require users to select how they want to proceed.  Likewise, we include or exclude features and functions as part of meeting the requirements. Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential. Work Not Done When we think of simplicity, the focus is often on how little we have.  This principle points to what is not included in a straightforward approach.  More importantly, this principle focuses on work not done.  When you think about it that way, simplicity is an essential piece of getting things... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Good Design Enhances Agility

We have mentioned time and again that the goal of agile is satisfying the customer.  However, each principle we explore provides ways to accomplish that goal.  The principle we focus on in this episode reminds us that we are still building software.  There are certain traits any good team or system will have.  Good design and technical excellence are tools for building the best solution. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Good Design, Not Good Documentation Some people say that Agile is an approach that avoids documentation and limits design.  Likewise, detractors accuse it of jumping too quickly into implementation.  This principle puts the lie to those accusations.  We can do all manner of good things... Read more

develpreneur podcast

A Constant Pace Indefinitely – Measured Development

Software development has high and low points.  Likewise, there are hectic and “slow” times that we live with as part of our work-life.  When you think of software development as a marathon, a constant pace is a goal.  You want to be able to set a pace for the team that they can run at forever.  That allows for critical success factors like embracing change and adjusting to changing requirements. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Sustainable Development Burnout and similar situations are highly detrimental to a plan.  The loss of a resource or team in such an unexpected way causes slippage or maybe even failure.  There... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Working Software – The Primary Measure of Progress

There are times where it helps to state the obvious.  The most glaring truths can be lost in the details when we forget to focus or reset.  Working software as our goal is one of those truths that we need to remember.  There is so much that goes into creating a solution that can distract us from this primary goal.  However, keeping this in mind can help us sift through what is productive and what is busywork. Working software is the primary measure of progress. Keep The End in Mind First and foremost, we still want to satisfy the customer.  That is the “why” of any project.  It is our measure of success for the solution.  Likewise, working software is... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Face-To-Face Conversation – Efficient And Effective

The season of digging deeper into the Agile Manifesto continues forward to the sixth principle.  Our primary focus is on satisfying the customer.  However, we now shift into how our approach can achieve that goal.  It is time to talk about the value of a face-to-face conversation. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Clear And Effective Communication We have often looked at setting expectations and communication as essential factors in project success.  This principle cuts to the chase concerning this challenge.  I think we all know the primary thrust of this recommendation.  Nevertheless, we quickly get pulled away from the best way to accomplish the objective.  There are... Read more

develpreneur podcast

An Environment And Support They Need

In this episode, we continue our crawl through the fifth principle of the agile manifesto.  Our focus switches from motivated individuals to the environment and the support they need.  Motivation is great.  However, we need to feed that and clear obstacles. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The Required Environment Numerous factors go into a beneficial environment.  These range from personality and emotional impact to the right tool for the job.  History is littered with incredibly skilled teams and groups that failed due to an adverse environment or lack of support.  Therefore, we should consider what makes a productive environment. The simplest way to assess... Read more