django on aws

Python-Django on AWS

This tutorial is a quick start to a Python-Django environment using the AWS environment and related services.  It is a stand-alone tutorial or can be used to get started on our video series.  This is technical but aimed at getting you set up quickly by following the steps laid out.  If you have any challenges with this then leave a comment or contact us so we can make adjustments and make this as easy as possible. The Goals Our goal in this series of steps is to create a full-featured development environment.  Many of the details will be explored in our video series.  However, this should be a good start for anyone that wants to stand up a Django on... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Motivated Individuals – An Agile Principle

The fifth principle of the Agile Manifesto is a big one.  It starts with the idea of motivated individuals and progresses to getting the job done.  This statement could be a solid foundation for a management approach and is at the heart of many such strategies.  An introduction like that should have you ready to see where the discussion goes. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. Motivated In Part A motivated team is useful.  However, motivated individuals are essential for success in any project.  They are the lifeblood of the motivated group.  This recommendation may seem to be common sense.  We all know that leaders... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Work Together To Be An Agile Team

The principle we cover in this episode is short but powerful.  It is also one that goes to the heart of defining an Agile team.  We do not focus on the technical staff and developers.  There also needs to be an inclusion of the business people.  Therefore, development in a vacuum is not valid.  Regular communication with the customer or their representatives is essential. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. The Agile Team Software development has progressed to where subject matter experts and business analysts are a typical piece of the puzzle.  That has not always been the case.  Thus, it is worth looking at how defining the team as we do today is beneficial... Read more

aws developer tools

AWS Developer Tools – An Overview

Our series of tutorials on Python-Django will include the use of several AWS Developer tools.  Therefore, we want to take a look at those from a high-level before we get very far in the material.  This presentation skims over the ones we will be using, along with a few that may prove useful in your projects.  None of these services are required for this series, nor do you need to follow up with other episodes to get an understanding of these tools.  However, we will be showing some examples as the series progresses. A Quick Tour Amazon provides some excellent tutorials for each of their services.  This presentation tries to take those highlights a little deeper.  We look at the... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Deliver Working Software Frequently – Clear and Open Communication

The third principle of the Agile Manifesto tells us to deliver working software frequently.  This step is an essential factor in satisfying the customer.  While we want to avoid the “are we there yet?” approach to delivering a solution, incremental is valuable.  When we take this principle to heart, we provide confidence in our progress, along with opportunities for feedback.  Therefore, we need to look at this closer for small and large applications. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Deliver Working Software Frequently These four words are sometimes easier said than done.  The implementation phase is dynamic by definition.  We should be steadily making changes... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Changing Requirements – Welcome Them For Competitive Advantage

In this episode, we continue a walk through the twelve principles of the Agile Manifesto.  The second principle focuses on change and how it can be a competitive advantage.  Changing requirements can be a headache and cause slippage.  However, adapting to them can be a game-changer. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage. Satisfy The Customer I want to start the discussion about changing requirements with a call-back to our first principle.  Our primary focus is on satisfying the customer.  Therefore changing requirements signal a change in what is needed to satisfy them.  We may find these alterations frustrating and might even experience over-runs based on them.  Nevertheless, we must adapt... Read more