develpreneur podcast

Benefits of Time Off

We have been looking at the bright side of things that bother us.  Many of you may be questioning what could be wrong about time off.  Why would an episode on the benefits of time off be needed?  Let’s step back and think about that question.  We get into a rhythm with our work.  Even if we do not enjoy it, we typically get used to it.  As better developers, we even enjoy that in most cases.  We also have a pile of work when we return from vacation.  Those factors add up to many of us deciding it is better to trade vacation days for cash.  We are not able to enjoy or benefit from that time away. Refresh... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Benefits of Certifications and Training

A series that focuses on the positives of pain points could skip the tasks with a noticeable ROI.  Nevertheless, we will dive into the less apparent benefits of certifications and training.  These are not the results.  Instead, they are benefits we get from making the journey. Growing Our Skillset The idea of becoming a better developer often comes back to our overall skillset.  While we get the highly visible benefits of certifications in the form of a certificate, or recognition, there is more to it.  We expand our knowledge and add to our toolset.  These additions assist us in problem-solving and comparing solutions.  These are essential skills for us, as we have discussed in the past.  The more we expand... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Benefits Of Presentations – Worth The Stress

One of the scariest things many of us face in our jobs is getting up in front of a crowd.  This situation may occur as part of presenting to our team, the management, or at a conference.  There are benefits of presentations that outweigh the related stress and fear.  Therefore, it is time to look at this black storm cloud and find the silver lining. A Focus On The Details Most of us stress the details for a presentation more than many other situations.  Activities that demand detailed knowledge, including interviews and certification tests, force us to learn.  However,  there tends to be more structure to that knowledge in those cases than when we are presenting on an idea.  We... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Performance Tuning Benefits – More Than The Obvious Points

There are countless performance tuning benefits.  Well, maybe not countless, but there are a number of them that are readily apparent.  However, the typical outcomes from a performance tuning project are just some of the upside to doing this work.  There are many indirect silver linings of this black cloud.  The process of improving performance can be daunting.  Nevertheless, the ROI makes it all worthwhile. Learn From Challenges One of the best performance tuning benefits outside of a better running application is the process itself.  We learn by being pushed beyond our limits.  When we are asked to expend beyond what we know or have done, it causes growth.  A steady stream of obstacles provides the bricks in the road... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Benefits Of Planning

As annoying things go, planning is not at the top of the list.  However, developers tend to feel they are most productive when they are writing code.  Therefore, planning can be frustrating.  It almost forces us to be patient and define an approach before getting to work.  Nevertheless, there are many benefits of planning, and it is an easy topic for finding the bright side. Look Before You Leap Many wise words point to the benefits of planning.  We may feel better in the short-term by stepping into implementation, but that can easily be overwhelmed by pain due to improper planning.  We all work better when we have time to think through an approach.  That is why things like panic... Read more

develpreneur podcast

The Positives From Meetings

Almost all Developers prefer to skip most meetings.  These are not activities we tend to look forward to with joy.  However, we can get positives from meetings.  Not all of these activities are created the same.  Nevertheless, an appropriate agenda and dedication to focus during this time can be very fruitful. An Agenda Is Critical There are many ways a meeting can go “off the rails.”  That may be why we so often find meetings to be annoying, or at least time we cannot get back.  We need focus if we want to receive positives from meetings.  While we can have many goals for a meeting, maintaining focus is a common trait for success.  This requirement is no different from... Read more