develpreneur podcast

Micro investing in Real Estate

Real estate is an area where many investors make their money.  However, in the past, it has required a sizable investment to get started.  That is no longer the case.  We now have sites that we can visit that help us use the concept of crowdsourcing to buy into a piece of a real estate transaction.  Now that we can start small, it makes sense to look at this as a way to save, invest, and earn a passive income from those savings. Traditional Real Estate Investments There are a few ways to make money from real estate.  We can buy, hold, and then sell at a higher price as the holding becomes more valuable.  On the other hand, we... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Micro Venture Capital Investing for Passive Income

As forms of passive income from investing go, the idea of micro venture capital investments is the best fit.  These options can lose all of your funding.  However, they can also lead to huge earnings.  Think about owning a small piece of Amazon, Google, or Facebook when they started out.  Those are outliers, of course, but the success they had will probably occur again. Micro Venture Capital – Invest in The Ideas of Others There are numerous similarities in venture capital investing and purchasing stock.  In general, both of these are ways to own a piece of a company.  The difference is that VC investing is often a larger portion of ownership.  However, the micro venture capital approach is ownership... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Microloans and Passive Income

Anyone that has ever been in debt has seen how lenders can make money.  However, we often see the level of entry for a lender is far beyond our means.  Never fear, microloans are here.  This investment instrument allows us to step into the loan side of the equation with less than a hundred dollars. Fundamentals of Microloans This form of saving/investing involves contributing your funds to a pool of other investors.  The funds are then used to provide short-term loans.  Your money offers you a percentage of the overall loan and thus, a cut of the profits as well.  Your money is going to be tied up in the loan until it is paid off. Therefore, this is not... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Passive Income From The Stock Market

When you think of your money working for you, there are several options.  However, the stock market is one of the best potential returns with easy entry.  This option does not come without spending time to choose your investments.  Nevertheless, some hard work early on can pay off for decades to come. Winning in the Stock Market It is no secret that the best way to make money in the stock market is through long-term investments.  That should not be too surprising.  We can evaluate products and companies as being a good (or bad) bet easier over the long run than in weeks or months.  Often, it takes a lot of time and effort to get a company to where... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Public Speaking For Passive Income

There are several passive income and side hustle options that get mentioned over and over.  Public speaking is one of those options.  It seems like it is a trendy way to earn a little income while building a brand or name recognition.  While these side effects are excellent, the revenue side is not what it is often portrayed to be. Public Speaking Everywhere One of the challenges with making money as a speaker is the flood of options.  While there are more opportunities to speak, there is also a flood of people wanting to do so.  The competition is fierce at the high end, and the dollars available are sparse until you can reach those upper levels.  It takes a... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Content Producer For Passive Income

While not precisely passive, a content producer can open up multiple streams of revenue.  We will point back to this option as a potential step in several episodes of this season.  Thus, we set the stage early for ideas that can lead us to take this step with a minimum of additional effort.  I guess that makes this “passive-ish” instead of a genuinely passive income topic. Hobbyist as Content Producer A secret to producing compelling content is being excited about your topic.  Thus, the content producer that is most likely to succeed is the one that loves their work.  Our hobbies and activities that we would do for free are the best topics to consider.  That is where we find... Read more