HTML is the backbone of all HTML pages. Its syntax uses a combination of tags to build complex web pages. Therefore, we offer a list fo the most used tags.
What is HTML?
HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages).
- HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
- A markup language is a set of markup tags.
- HTML documents are described by HTML tags.
- Each HTML tag describes a different document content.
Common Tags
- <!DOCTYPE html> – is not an HTML tag; it is an instruction to the web browser telling it what version of HTML it is using.
- All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration.
- The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is NOT case sensitive.
- The <html> defines the document as an html page cleanly.
- Clean pages always start with <html> and always have close tags for every open (e.g., <html> and </html>
- <head> sets up a page header information and define some page level data/code.
- <title> gives your page a title. For example, search engines use the title to search for pages. It is also useful when bookmarking a page.
- <meta> provides meta information like a description and keywords for the page.
- <link rel=”relationship” type=”format” href=”URL”> Allows you to include other files.
- href – specifies the location of the linked document.
- type – specify the media type of the linked document.
- rel – Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document.
- The most common use for link rel is stylesheets however you can choose from any of the following:
- alternate, archives, author, bookmark, external, first, help, icon, last, license, next.
- nofollow, noreferrer, pingback, prefetch, prev, search, sidebar, stylesheet, tag, up.
- <script> adds Javascript to a page:
- If you are using the code, then it is only available for this page.
- If importing an external file, the external js file cannot include a <script> tag.
- The src attribute must contain the path and file name.
Body Tags
- <body> defines the main body of the document.
- <hr> creates a horizontal line across the screen.
- <label> links a text label to control.
- <h1> to <h6> is the heading tag used to emphasize a title of a page or section of text.
- <p> – defines a paragraph of text that will automatically wrap according to screen size.
- <pre> – used to display preformatted text.
- The text displays in a fix width font, preserving spaces and line breaks.
- Great for displaying text like code.
- <br> – creates a line break.
- This is one of the few tags that has no end tag.
- if used inside a paragraph it will not start a new paragraph.
- <span> – is an inline element (with a and img). It does not start a new line and only takes the space necessary.
- <div> – a container used to hold other HTML elements.
- <p> and <div> tags allow you to group sections of text or controls; these are considered blocks (along with H1 – H6).
- Divs can contain div’s and p’s, but a p’s cannot contain a p or a div.
Block-Level Elements
- Block level elements start a new line and fill the full-screen width (far left & right edges).
- Include tags: <div>, <h1>-<h6>, <p>, <pre>, <form>.
Inline Elements
- does not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary.
- includes tags: <span>, <a>, <img>.
Formatting Tags
These tags are special formatting tags that can be set outside of styles and css.
- <b> – defines the text as bold, with no extra emphasis.
- <strong> – defines the text as bold, with extra emphasis.
- <i> – italicize the text, with no extra emphasis.
- <em> – italicize the text, with extra emphasis.
- <mark> – highlighted or marked text.
- <small> – reduces the size of the text.
- <del> – puts a strike through the text.
- <ins> – represents added text with an underline.
- <sub>- displays the text as subscript.
- <sup> – displays the text as superscribed.
- These essentially bold, italicize or underline the text between the tags.
- <font> makes numerous changes to text including font type, size, padding, color, and more.
Using Tables
- <table> defines a table.
- <tr> a row in a table.
- <td> a column in a row.
- <th> defines a column header, generally places in the 1st row of a table.
- <caption> defines a table caption. It goes between the <table> tag and first <tr> tag.
Other styling traits of tables:
- Tables are inline by default.
- Colspan and rowspan collapse table cells.
- Cell spacing is between cells padding is within them.
- Columns (td) can vary spacing from one to the next.
Using Lists
In HTML there are three types of lists:
- <ul> – Unordered, list items in a bullet fashion by default.
- <ol> – Ordered, list items in numeric order.
- <ol> & <ul> both use <li> to describe their list items.
- <dl> -Description, list of terms and descriptions. Like a dictionary term and its definition.
- <dt> the term name.
- <dd> to describe the term.
You can nest these lists together to form a combination of lists types.
- <form> designates a form for data entry.
- The action attribute defines the action to be performed. The action can call a script, and is a common way to submit a form.
- The method attribute specifies the HTTP method to use when transmitting the form. The two most common are GET/POST.
- “GET” – will append the form element ids with their values in the URL.
- Used by default if no method value is specified.
- Ideal for small data sets and nonsensitive data.
- There is a limit to the size of the URL. Therefore, if you have a large dataset, it may get truncated.
- “POST” – Sends the form-data as an HTTP post transaction.
- POST offers better security because the submitted information is not visible to the page address.
- “GET” – will append the form element ids with their values in the URL.
Input Tags
- <input> designates the data fields.
- Input types can equal the following:
- “submit” – executes the form and processes the script.
- “cancel” – removes data that is on the form.
- “text” – provides a standard single line edit field.
- “password” – is like text but hides the data as the user types.
- “radio” – creates a radio button. You can select only one radio at a time.
- “checkbox” – creates a checkbox control.
- “button” – creates a button but will need an onclick to do something.
- The value attribute sets the initial (default) value of the input field.
- The readonly attribute will display the input field in a lock or read only state.
- The disabled attribute will show the input field in a lock or read-only state. However, if you don’t want to transmit the elements values, then you need to disable it.
- The size and maxlength attribute control the size and max number of characters a user can enter. We recommend you use CSS to manage these.
- Input types can equal the following:
- <fieldset> – groups a section of data together on a form.
- <legend> – adds a caption to the fieldset.
- Add related <input> elements inside <fieldset>.
- <select> – creates a dropdown list of values.
- <option value=” “> defiles the options and values to add on the dropdown list.
- <textarea> – creates a multiline textbox. Like a comment box.
- <button> – defines a clickable button that requires some type of code to define the action.
- Other fields introduced with HTML5:
- Color, Time, Date, Datetime, and Datetime-local, Email, Month and Week, Range, Search, Tel, URL.
- <a href=”url” target=”frame”>text</a>
- href – defines the destination address. This address can be to a local page on the site, another site altogether, or an anchor on the same page.
- The text entered between the <a></a> tags is what is displayed on the page.
- target – specifies where to open the linked document.
- _blank – opens the link in a new window or tab.
- _self – opens the link in the same/current window.
- _parent – opens the link in the parent frame.
- _top – opens the link in the full body of the window.
- framename – opens the link in the specified named iframe.
- <img src=”filename” alt=””> displays an image.
- src – the location of the image file. This location can be the name of the file on the same server. Otherwise, it is a hyperlink to the file found on another site.
- alt – this is the text that displays in place of the image. It tends display when the browser cannot show the picture.
- width & height attributes are still valid in HTML5, but their use is discouraged for CSS or style formatting (See CSS section).
- To make an image a link you need to wrap the <img> tag inside a <a> tag. Everything inside the <a> tag will be clickable (this includes text, image).
- <audio> (HTML5) – used to embed audio like music or related audio streams.
- Any text inside the between <audio> and </audio> displays in the browsers that do not support the <audio> tag.
- <video> (HTML5) – used to embed video onto a webpage.
- Before HTML5 there was no way standard for embedding video into a web page. Users had to use third party plugins like Flash or Silverlight.
- <iframes> – this tag is used to embed another web page within a web page.
- The src attribute (similar to href) is the URL location of the page you wish to embed.
- Most commonly used for embedding youTube (or other videos) into the web page from a third party site.
- height and width attribute control the size of the frame. We recommend you use CSS to manage these.
Comment tags insert a coder’s remarks in the HTML source code:
- <!– – Open comment tag.
- Any text added between these two tags will not display on the screen.
- To read a pages comment you need to open up the source code from within a browser.
- –> – Cose comment tag.
Further Reading
Outside of additional classes here, we have found these sources to be ideal for learning more about web development:
- HTML Tag References
- HTML5 Pocket Reference
- What Is HTML5?
- Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
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