Using the Google Cloud SDK to Deploy Your Containers

Welcome to the 3rd and final part of our video on our Introduction to Google Cloud. In this final installment, we are going to continue on with our discussion on how to use the Google Cloud SDK tool to deploy your containers from a desktop to the cloud Kubernetes Engine. Using the Google Cloud SDK to Deploy Your Containers Google Cloud Desktop CLI SDK Building and versioning containers Deploying containers Other videos in Introduction to Google Cloud series: Understanding and using the Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Counsel: Using the interface and platform to deploy containers Using the Google Cloud SDK to Deploy Your Containers Additional Resources you will need: Google Cloud Account Google Cloud SDK This series comes from our mentoring/mastermind classes.... Read more


Loving Your Job or a Workaholic?

I should reiterate before I go into this topic that I am not a doctor.  I also did not spend last night in a Holiday Inn Express.  The next few paragraphs are not an informed medical opinion.  Instead, they are my views on loving your work and being a workaholic.  There is a difference between these two attitudes.  It is one you need to understand in case you need some help. The Workaholic First, there is a distinct difference between doing something through addiction (you cannot live without it) as opposed to because you enjoy it.  This distinction is vital for your health and also for our goal of a dominating career.  In our case, if you work because you feel... Read more

develpreneur podcast

AWS Customer Engagement Tools

You may think of Amazon web services as all technology-focused.  That is not the case.  There are plenty of offerings to help you run your business.  In this episode, we look at a perfect example of these business services via the AWS Customer Engagement Tools grouping.  There are only a few services in this group, but they are extremely powerful and useful. Simple Email Service This is different from WorkMail.  That service provides a server for managing your email accounts and directing email.  SES is a service that acts as a sender and receiver for your emails.  It is the purest form of handling email.  The CLI makes this a perfect tool for sending email to and from applications, maintaining mail lists,... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Ticketing Systems – Free and Low-Cost

Bug tracking and software ticketing systems are used in every shop I have ever worked with.  Some of these are decidedly low-tech solutions that are no more than a spreadsheet.  Some of these solutions can help you do far more than just track issues.  They can even help you raise the overall quality of your processes. Ticketing Systems Are Almost a Commodity Bug tracking and ticketing systems are ubiquitous.  A lot of companies have even built custom solutions for their internal use.  The problem space is that easy to address.  As mentioned before, even a spreadsheet can be sufficient for all of your bug tracking needs.  I know how easy it is to build these systems from personal experience.  Over the years, I... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Software Design – The Adapter Pattern

The Adapter Pattern is one of the easiest to understand and relate to the real world.  We see adapters used every day and they have become a critical factor in our daily success.  Almost every device we have utilizes an adapter in some way. The Adapter Pattern Defined As always, we will start with the “Gang of Four” definition to set the stage for our discussion. “Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.” There are many names for an adapter pattern.  However, they all imply the same thing.  The implementation boils down to a translator between two parties.  A commonly experienced real-world example is a power or recharging adapter.  These accessories translate the power... Read more

automated testing

Why Bother With Automated Testing?

I recently saw an article that questioned whether automated testing was a good investment.  They essentially laid out an argument that automated testing tools are too expensive, too fragile, and never give a worthwhile ROI.  I am not a tester or QA specialist.  Nevertheless, this seemed a gross assumption to make.  I have worked with testing automation projects of various sorts and found a huge benefit from them at times.  There are some excellent points made in the article.  However, I think we need to look at how to achieve value from automated testing rather than throw it in the trash bin. Regression Testing The first thing that comes to mind when discussing automated testing is meeting regression needs.  This not... Read more