WordPress Advances

Recent WordPress Advances and New Features

If you have checked out your WordPress admin console you have noticed some new features.  They have been steadily providing new versions and some new features along the way.  These may be highly useful to you so they are worth a look. New Widgets The big changes are found in three new widgets.  In version 4.8 they added the image, video, and audio widgets.  These are not monumental in what they provide, but they do provide an avenue that can eliminate the need for plugins or custom code. The image widget provides the familiar drag-and-drop approach for adding an image to the WordPress sidebar.  This also provides a post type of image.  These post types allow you to quickly drop a number... Read more


Gamelift – Amazon’s answer For Gaming in the Cloud

Game servers have a particular sort of challenge.  They tend to swing from high usage to idle periods.  This makes for both an excellent system in the cloud while also requiring a lot of configuration.  Never fear, Amazon has an answer with their easy to use GameLift service. Stick To What You Know Game developers have a particular set of skills for building software.  These skills are watered down if time is required to develop and configure their deployment infrastructure.  This conundrum is much like the one faced by any solution deployed to the cloud.  GameLift provides a quick start to a cloud environment tuned for performance and security. Wide Support There are some frameworks, libraries, and tools for game development.  While... Read more

amazon marketplace

Amazon Marketplace – A Source for Your System Needs

This stop in our AWS tour is at the Amazon Marketplace.  This site is not so much a service as a source for solutions.  Just as the name implies, this is a marketplace for AWS solutions. Why Bother With Amazon Marketplace? Your first question is likely to be, “why do we need this?”  That makes sense when you look at all AWS has to offer.  However, when you look at all that is offered, you may be overwhelmed.  Also, you know that any system you desire will take time to install, configure and bring live.  This challenge is where the marketplace shines. Amazon marketplace provides a large (thousands) selection of AWS solutions.  These range from a simple Linux server to fully... Read more