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How to Create an Effective Clickable Demo

In this second episode of the Creating a Software Solution series we look at the clickable demo.  This tactic is used to help speed software design and becoming very common.  However, an effective clickable demo is much more than a wireframe.  We look at how to avoid spending too much time on details as well as how to keep it flexible. A Fine Line between Throw-away and Beta We started the series by looking at requirements and use cases.  This next step continues a focus on the “why” of the project.  We look at how an effective clickable demo is a first step in solving that core problem.  It is a visual tool for discussing details and even the user... Read more

Amazon VPC – Your Virtual Private Cloud

As we continue our tour of Amazon services, we come to the VPC service.  This service is not a part of their free tier, but instead one of the enterprise-focused offerings.  This service allows you to build your private cloud within their network. VPC is a Virtual Private Cloud As with all of their services, there is an excellent overview and summary page.  You may ask what a private cloud is.  We have discussed the Cloud in prior posts, but only briefly.  In general, a Cloud service allows resources pooled in a way that the hardware is not necessary.  This pool might be a powerful cloud server on your desktop that lets you spawn virtual machines of a variety of shapes and sizes.  It may... Read more


Amazon ElastiCache – High-Speed Access to Your Data

We have looked at several resources AWS provides.  These include databases, disk storage, and processing.  Now we turn to a way to access system memory via the ElastiCache service. What is an In Memory DataStore? When you look at the ElastiCache overview page, there is a focus on an in-memory data store.  It may help to start with that.  Computers traditionally have three places to store data.  These generally can be labeled as external, internal, and RAM.  External storage is data on a device outside of the computer such as a CD-ROM, floppy disk (if you remember them) or memory stick/external drive.  Internal storage is an internal hard drive whether that is disk based or solid state.  RAM is memory... Read more