develpreneur podcast

Building Real World Software – No More Best Practices

Part two of our interview with Douglas Squirrel delves into building real world software. This topic takes us into finding ways to meet a customer’s needs rather than deliver something that gets an “A” grade in academia. We also tackle the challenge of a technologist with a different view from the business customer. It is more focused on building relationships and trusts than it is asserting one’s opinion. Real World Software Is Messy There are almost always trade-offs when we talk about building a solution for business. We are not given the luxury of a perfect world and building a flawless solution. There is even a thing called “known bugs”  included with many releases. We know at our core that... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Learn From CoWorkers : Interview with Douglas Squirrel

There are many things to take away from our discussion with Douglas Squirrel. However, one major point is that we should learn from coworkers. Technology workers are not immune to seeing other departments as less important than they are. We look at how “suits”, marketing, and other groups should be partnered with and not ignored. We will find our job easier and more successful when we build relationships and trust instead. Expand Your Influence When You Learn From Coworkers Some would love to be able to walk into a company and tell everyone how things should be. Fortunately, a company only has one such person, and they are called CEO. The rest must work together and use their diverse skills... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Link Success To Happiness – Keep Your Why In Mind

We go deeper in the second part of this interview to discuss how we can link success to happiness. These are not mutually exclusive goals. Pranay has built a story that guides us through his process as he went from simple success to factoring in what he wanted from life. The “why” that had eluded and blocked him from a full life became his focus. Once he did that, things started to fall into place. Link Success To Happiness And Win At Life We do not have to choose either professional success or happiness. We can have both when we are intentional about the work and options we choose. However, that does not come without risk. We need to embrace... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Keep Focus On The Important Things – Interview With Pranay Parikh

Pranay Parikh is an MD that has taken a journey to entrepreneur and tells us how to keep a focus on the important things as we pursue our goals. He shares his stories of hard work and determination that led him to question why he should stay the course. These include some lessons we can take away and use to craft our story and entrepreneurial journey. Focus On The Important Things – The Key To Happiness This episode gives insight into someone who has worked hard and seen some setbacks. However, he kept moving forward and found success. That is where the story truly begins. He looked at his success and what he enjoys and found some mismatches. Those findings... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Audience Building – Get Your Course In Front Of Your Target Audience

Our discussion with Kyler Nixon wraps up with a focus on audience building and assessment. The assessment part of the equation is where he provides details on what we should be looking for as we launch a course. That is an important bit of information. Particularly, when you are at the point where you are trying to make a decision. He gives some excellent rules of thumb for where you should see your content and interactions before taking the course creation step. Audience Building And Reaching Out The other part of this discussion is an important look at the idea of audience size. Likewise, what you are providing them. There are many problems that we can solve. However, the number... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Course Creation – Share Your Knowledge – Kyler Nixon Interview

We start a new interview and switch gears to focus on course creation. Kyler Nixon sits down to share his thoughts on what one can do to get their content into course form. This starts with us looking at what should lead one to create a course in the first place. In the same vein, we see that nearly everyone has something they can share and use to launch their side hustle. Course Creation – Where Do I Start? Course creation differs from other content creation and offering platforms we have discussed. At the same time, there are many ways to approach a class. The first step is the content itself. Fortunately, our lives lead us to create expertise of... Read more