develpreneur podcast

Stay Healthy Or Pay The Price

We provide many ways to become a better developer.  One of the best ways to do hits over the long run is to stay healthy.  Big things like cancer and chronic disease can disrupt your career.  However, smaller things like the flu or seasonal cold can also knock you out for days or weeks.  That unplanned “time off” can cause a sizeable setback.  Likewise, it can derail time-critical plans and cause missed opportunities. Stay Healthy As A Good Investment There is a cost to doing healthy things.  It takes time to exercise and eat well.  Regular rest is often seen as directly opposed to the high octane lives of the driven.  While less sleep and focusing on your projects can... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Project Completion – Cross The Finish Line

Project completion is the focus of this episode.  We discuss how to start and implement a solution but ignore finishing.  That changes in this story.  We look at how “moving the goal line” can be expensive and self-defeating.  On the contrary, we are often far better off declaring victory and putting a stake in the ground.  That gives us a solid foundation to build on.  When we do not, we often find ourselves on shifting sand.  That causes delays, overruns, and unneeded frustration. Project Completion – Declare Victory One of the essential facets of the Agile Manifesto is delivering working software.  That seems like something that should go unsaid.  However, we see that being an issue in far too many projects.... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Status Reporting – The Simple Solution For Avoiding Big Problems

Few things cause excitement like the phrase, “status reporting.”  Yes, I know you are already quivering from anticipation, but that is our topic.  This episode looks at how much confusion could have been avoided (and some loss) through better use of this communication form.  Accordingly, this is an excellent lesson to learn early in your career. Status Reporting – Staying on the Same Page The best reason for regular communication in a project is to ensure everyone stays on the same page.  A lack of cohesion in a team is a common reason for failures, over-runs, and low quality.  While status reporting may feel or seem like busy work, it is not.  There is a noticeable value in even the... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Smart Scheduling – Including Buffer So It Can Flex

Our approach to becoming a better developer requires planning.  Likewise, we need smart scheduling to hit our targets.  That is the focus of this episode.  I look back at a time when I overloaded my schedule and ended up stressing out.  That led to more harm than good in many ways.  Thus, we need to look at building in ways to allow our schedule to be flexible and adjust to life events. Smart Scheduling 101 – Add “Wiggle Room” A rigid structure is more likely to break when it is shown resistance.  Think of a dry spaghetti noodle.  Once you apply pressure, it is likely to break or crack.  However, there are similar things (like a wet noodle) that are... Read more