develpreneur podcast

The Short Resume – Getting a Job With Minimal Experience

We all have started our professional life with that most challenging obstacle in front of us, experience.  I think all of us have experienced the challenge of getting experience when every job seems to require it.  This common chicken-or-egg situation is not hopeless.  We can put together a compelling case even when we have minimal experience in specific areas or skills. Minimal Experience or None At All When we have limited or zero experience in the desired area, we have to get creative.  Our best chance of winning these positions is through complementary skills.  Remember that most IT positions are aimed at solving problems.  When you dig into the problem to be solved, you can find some options for getting... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Career Improvement – From Better Developer To Better Career

We kick off the new season on career improvement with an episode to set the table.  We take a look at what we will cover and how our attitude can drive success. Our path is not always easy.  However, it should be enjoyable.  When you are unhappy at your job, it is time to look elsewhere.  There is no need to be miserable. Both Sides of The Table This season will look at several topics from both the hiring and prospective hire views.  Communication with our boss, coworkers, and staff is critical.  Thus, insight into how “the others” live and view jobs can help us all.  We will use multiple viewpoints and seasons of a career throughout this season in... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Milestones An Excellent Tool For Marking and Driving Progress

As we reach a milestone episode number (350), it is a good time for us to look closer at milestones.  These project management tools may appear to be tags or labels along our path.  However, they are more than that and are a valuable way to drive us through to completion.  Also, they can be points in time that allow us to take a step back and ensure we are still on track. Milestones can be a clean start One of the best values of a milestone is that it allows us to define a before and after.  We can often get a fresh start as we pass one of these points.  Nearly everyone embraces this fact.  Even when we... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Best Practice Mistakes – Process Drift

We all make mistakes.  Even our best intentions can lead to errors.  Thus, we can make best practice mistakes.  While this may seem like an impossible situation, you will soon see that it is common.  Knowing the recommended approach does not mean we will follow it nor even that we should. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken The first thing to consider in avoiding best practice mistakes is whether your situation is applicable.  There are extreme examples like knowing to wait thirty minutes after eating before swimming is no help in designing software.  We need to apply these wise recommendations properly.  The challenge comes when we are asked to determine whether a technology best practice should apply to our specific... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Schedule Adjustments – When To Change Course

We spend a lot of time talking about planning and setting schedules.  This activity is a necessary process.  However, we should learn from our past and adapt our schedule when possible.  There is no sense in scheduling ourselves into an unworkable schedule.  Sometimes a few schedule adjustments make the difference between glorious success and burnout. All Plans Go Out The Window In Reality There is a quote that says plans are worthless, but planning invaluable.  This simple truth is important for us to take to heart.  We can plan all day long to achieve an impressive number of goals.  However, planning and doing are not the same.  Life happens, and that can throw off even the best plans.  We also... Read more

Reporting In TestNG: How To Write Custom Loggers And Reporters

Reporting In TestNG: How To Write Custom Loggers And Reporters

Welcome to the next episode in our new series “Integrating testing into your development flow”. Today we are going to be looking at “Reporting In TestNG: How To Write Custom Loggers And Reporters”. In the last two presentations on TestNG, we talked about what TestNG is and have given a  thorough walkthrough of where to get the tools, setting up your environment, the different annotations you can use, how to execute your procedures and tests. Then we looked at the different types of suite testing you can do. Such as, how to ignore tests, group testing, exception testing, dependency testing, parameterized testing, and running JUnit tests in TestNG. So far we have covered only the basics of reporting in TestNG.... Read more