develpreneur podcast

Scaling Up or Out Architectural Decisions

Systems and solutions will grow if they are successful.  Therefore, it is essential for us to consider whether this will be handled by scaling up or scaling out.  There are many ways that a solution will need to grow.  There can be limitations based on processing, storage, network, or other areas.  Each of these can grow in the same way or you can mix-and-max your way through these issues.  No matter the approach, it needs to be thought through as part of the architecture. Scaling Up The first way to scale a system is up.  This essentially keeps everything in place while making it stronger or more powerful.  In the computer world, this can be a bigger storage drive, more... Read more

Define and implement a test strategy

How to Define and Implement a Test Strategy

Welcome to the next episode in our new series “Integrating testing into your development flow”. Today we are going to be looking at “How to Define and Implement a Test Strategy”. Even though testing differs between organizations. Almost all software development organizations follow some sort of test document to achieve their goals and ensure they are following best practices. Not only is this document used by the organization to define its overall Test Strategy, but it is also one of the most important documents in test deliverables. Like other test deliverables, this document can be shared with the customer for a better understanding of the scope of the project, test approaches, and other important aspects. In some cases, the sales... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Administrative Tools And Architecting Your Solution

Nearly every solution includes some manner of administrative tools.  These tools range from scripts and manual process steps to full graphical interfaces and wizards.  No matter the form these take, they must be considered as part of architecting a solution.  Their very nature is for it to work hand in glove with the architecture and design to manipulate data as needed. Low-End Administrative Tools The simplest form of tools are scripts and similar utilities that are primarily manual.  These are often built around the architecture and implementation after the fact.  While that is acceptable, it is not ideal.  There are many times that I have seen these tools pushed off until after production deployments only to find that the proper... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Core Component Architecture – Build a Strong Foundation

No matter what we build, there is always a foundation of some sort.  In software, the core component architecture provides us that foundation.  These are the models or objects that provide the framework for all of the other functions.  When you design these core pieces of your solution, it is essential to get them right.  When you fail to do this, you will have problems throughout the system. It Starts With The Problem Once again, we refer back to the primary problem or problems we are solving.  The solution will require certain pieces of data and functionality that will impact the entire solution.  These items may include security, standard functions, critical data elements, and more.  The core component architecture is... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Architecting For a Sometimes Connected Application

The modern world is full of options to connect your app to the Internet.  Nevertheless, there are cases where you will have a sometimes connected application.  This situation impacts architecture and needs to be understood before starting.  “Sometimes” is a challenging situation to handle with your architecture.  Thus, it is easier to architect a solution that is always connected.  Better yet, one that is completely stand-alone. Danger Zones First, it may help to highlight some of the areas and types of applications that will fall under this umbrella.  Certain building types are often problematic for wireless connections.  These include anything that is mostly concrete, including (in many cases) government buildings, schools, military locations, hospitals, and prisons. Applications that are going... Read more

How to write testable code

How to Write Testable Code

Welcome to our new series on “Integrating testing into your development flow”. To begin this series we are going to start by looking at “How to write testable code”. In essence, this new series will be covering all the ways we can Integrating testing into our development flow. Such as, how to write tests, define and implement a test plan & test strategy, unit tests, reports, tools, and frameworks. To summarize, a complete and comprehensive guide to testing and improving the testability of our code. During this presentation, we are going to be focussing on how to look at testing software from a developer’s point of view in order to write better testable code. Thus, we have to start by... Read more