Welcome, if you are a tester or developer interested in mobile application automation testing or are new to test automation tools than you defiantly need to check out TestProject. However, if you are not familiar with this tool that’s OK. In Mobile Testing With Test Project we cover all the basics necessary to start mobile testing in Test Project 2.0.

Test Project A Review of Version 2.0 Overview:

  • Intro to Mobile Testing With Test Project
  • How to set up a mobile device
  • How to create a TestProject mobile test
  • Record a mobile test with a simulator and device
  • Execute/Run the mobile test
  • Q&A cover questions on Selenium vs TesTNG vs Test Project

What is Test Project?

TestProject is a community driven tool and has a free forever plan that is fully featured and that you can get started with in moments. In addition they have a lot of documentation that will help you with all the details you need to use TestProject to create effective test automation that your whole team can use.

Before you begin you will need to:

Firstly, go back to the previous video on Test Project A Review of Version 2.0 and watch the section on setup. In addition, you will need to start the Test Project Agent so that Test Project can record against you local simulators and mobile devices. However, depending on your mobile device will determine what you will need to install and set up next. At this point, you will need Android Studio for Android development, Xcode / iOS Simulator for iOS, or both if you are going to be testing on both types of devices. Finally, if you plan on running your mobile tests out side of test project in a then you will need to export your tests to code. As a result you will need to have an IDE like Eclipse and run them using Appium

Additional Maven Dependencies:

GroupID ArtifactID Version
org.seleniumhq.selenium selenium-java 4.1.0
io.appium java-client 7.6.0
io.testproject java-sdk 1.2.4-RELEASE

Mobile Testing With Test Project

Additional Resources

Finally, this series comes from our mentoring/mastermind classes.  These classes are virtual meetings that focus on how to improve our technical skills and build our businesses.  After all the goals of each member vary.  However, this diversity makes for great discussions and a ton of educational value every time we meet.  We hope you enjoy viewing this series as much as we enjoy creating it.  As always, this may not be all new to you, but we hope it helps you be a better developer.

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