Our journey into Restful API Testing Using RestAssured begins by looking at the different ways in which API testing can be done. Next, we look at how to use tools such as the browser developer tool, Swagger, and Postman to test APIs from a browser. Additionally, we look at how to use libraries like RestAssued and Karate to build continuous integration tests for our code projects. Finally, we wrap up our discussion by showing you how to write RestAssured tests against a real-world scenario.

Restful API Testing Using RestAssured Overview:

  • Overview of Restful API
  • Different Types of HTTP Requests
  • How to Manually Test a Restful API
  • Use Postman and Swagger
  • Write RestAssured Unit Test

What is Restful API

REST APIs provide a flexible, lightweight way to integrate applications, and have emerged as the most common method for connecting components in microservices architectures.


HTTP Requests

  • Get – Requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data.
  • PostSubmits an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
  • Put – Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
  • Delete – Deletes the specified resource.



REST Assured is a Java DSL for simplifying testing of REST-based services built on top of HTTP Builder. It supports POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, and HEAD requests and can be used to validate and verify the response of these requests.


Start with a real-world example

To explain the principles of API testing we decided to begin with a real-world exercise and build out our test cases to support the following scenario. For instance, a company that wants to set up a Tutorial center at a university to help students study. Initially, they build a WS application that records the subjects that will be covered.

The current interface supports:

  • Create A Tutorial
  • Retrieve All Tutorials
  • Retrieve A Tutorial By Id
  • Update A Tutorials By Id
  • Find All Published Tutorials
  • Find By Title Containing String
  • Delete A Tutorial
  • Delete All Tutorials


Restful API Testing Using RestAssured

Additional Resources

Finally, this series comes from our mentoring/mastermind classes.  These classes are virtual meetings that focus on how to improve our technical skills and build our businesses.  After all the goals of each member vary.  However, this diversity makes for great discussions and a ton of educational value every time we meet.  We hope you enjoy viewing this series as much as we enjoy creating it.  As always, this may not be all new to you, but we hope it helps you be a better developer.

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