develpreneur podcast

From Purpose To Success – Catherine McCourt Part 2

We continue our discussion with Catherine McCourt and shift from purpose to success. We started out with a look at purpose-driven work. However, that approach does not come at the cost of success. We can use our purpose and the inherent drive we get for it to help us or our organization succeed and exceed expectations. A Road From Purpose To Success There are countless articles that tie morale and happiness to productivity. Those same ideas apply to us in our job and career choices. Likewise, we will find ourselves better at our job when it is one we love. That fulfillment of purpose gives us energy and can be the difference between failure and success. A Little Background Her... Read more

develpreneur podcast

A Purpose-Driven Profession – Interview With Catherine McCourt

This episode starts a new discussion, and we look at a purpose-driven profession as Catherine McCourt shows us how to achieve it. However, we go far beyond that and look at organizations with a purpose and how to find a job that matches yours. These are valuable things to know as we spend so much of our lives “at work.” It is best for our fulfillment to work with and for a purpose. When we take this path, we find greater happiness. Purpose-Driven Profession While we never talk about a profession as having a purpose, we can make it so by combining our job with our goals. This approach may seem simplistic. However, it gives us more identity, including what... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Security Assessments – Find Your Vulnerabilities

We continue our discussion with Nate Sheen and get into security assessments, testing, and other good things to do. These are the ways you can determine where vulnerabilities are and how to secure your systems and organization. The idea and cost of an assessment may seem too much for your organization. However, the ROI is substantial. It is that old idea of the value of peace of mind. Security Assessments As A Proactive Move No one wants to find out where they have allowed holes for hackers after the fact. That is where security assessments come in. They point out known weaknesses and gaps in our security. While these can be technical issues, Nate also talks about how a hacking... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Securing Your Product And Business – Nate Sheen Interview

Nate Sheen is a professional that cares a lot about securing your product and business. For example, his company is focused on helping more companies reduce hacking results through improved security. They provide consulting and assessments to various business types to reduce attacks. Our discussion goes into why we all need to be more vigilant about security for our products and businesses. Securing Your Product And Business Should Be Intentional It can be easy to treat security in a lax way until you suffer from an attack. Unfortunately, there are many ways to be attacked, and little you can do once one is successful. Whether it is your business or securing your product, it needs to be done early and... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Modern Tools For Monetizing Content

We wrap up our discussion we Amy Harrop by talking about the modern gateway drug for monetizing content that has sucked in so many people, including her. Yes, we talk about Amazon and all their amazing tools. However, they are not the only game in town. For example, there are many similar offerings from Google, Microsoft and a wide host of other providers. It is overwhelming to think about all of the options one has to start a business that can compete with huge enterprises. There Is No Excuse For Not Monetizing Content This may be an episode that gets you feeling a bit like an under-achiever. Amy has helped countless people launch their business through the use of many... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Launch Your Side Hustle – Amy Harrop Interview

In this episode, we start a new conversation and talk to Amy Harrop about how to launch your side hustle. Her strength is self-publishing and getting people from content in their heads to selling content on the web. Thus, If you have an idea you would like to try out, this is the episode to grab a paper and pen for your checklist of steps to achieve your goal. No Matter The Product, Launch Your Side Hustle Content has become an easy way to create a product. It also allows us to take our passions and monetize them. Whether you like to review the latest movies, craft a designer piece of furniture, or feed the masses with your awesome recipes,... Read more