develpreneur podcast

Our Annual Thanksgiving Special

It is time once again for our Thanksgiving special. Yes, that time of year when we pause and reflect a bit. The last few years have been a challenge, Nevertheless, we can all still find things to be thankful for. This exercise is not just to join in the spirit of the holiday; it is a way to maintain focus, recharge, and keep a positive attitude. Yes, this is a way to “keep hope alive.” Why A Thanksgiving Special? We could easily skip over these specials and push content as we do throughout the year. However, we want to pause and thank you for listening and being a part of the Develpreneur family. You work all year at becoming a... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Spend Time Or Money – The Best Approach To Growing

We wrap up our discussion with Chris Myles with a continuation of the time or money conversation. There are many ways to grow and build your business. However, the best path to do so can come down to whether you have more time, money, or skill. That alone shows why there are so many ways to start and build a business and part of our wrap-up. With this final part of the interview, we do go a tad off the rails, but a little personal story-telling never hurts. Time Or Money While we review these ways to automate and grow, we also go into some of the starting foci of Chris’ site. You will often see him referred to as... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Automating Your Processes

In this episode, we continue our discussion with Chris Myles and explore how to define and go about automating your processes. Along the way, we also look at motivation and finding ways to keep things interesting as you grow your business or career. The two topics go hand-in-hand as you will find your greatest happiness when you outsource the tasks you do not enjoy. Go ahead, and keep the fun things for your to-do lists. Automating Your Processes The first step in moving towards delegation or automation is to define your processes so they can be easily communicated. This step can be challenging at times as we are not always clear about what we do. There are steps we take... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Calculated Risk and Facing Doubts

Our discussion with Chris Myles continues into the ideas of calculated risk and facing your doubts. We can all be blocked by worry. However, overcoming obstacles and getting out of your comfort zone is the path to success. No one finds success while sitting in a safe place. Calculated Risk There are many reasons to hesitate or even play it safe. Chris walks us through his concerns and those nervous times when he took a step or leap of faith. However, we can see where he took calculated risks and did the work beforehand to reduce the chance of utter failure. Likewise, he was prepared so that even complete failure could be taken in stride.  Once you are intentional with... Read more

Java Optional

Introduction to the Java Optional Class

Welcome. Today we are taking an introductory look at the Java Optional Class. We will focus primarily on the Optional Class and what it is for. Then we will cover why it is useful and how to use it in our code. Finally, we wrap up with four hands examples of using the different types of Optional methods in our code. What is Java the Optional Class? The optional class is essentially a container object, which may or may not contain a non-nullable value. Why should we use the Java Optional Class? One of the biggest problems with Java is that when we create variables or methods with return types, our intent is unclear if the value of these will... Read more

develpreneur podcast

Side hustle Success Through Perseverance – Chris Myles Interview

We start a new discussion with Chris Myles, focusing on his specific set of skills to create side hustle success. He has tried a lot of approaches and found success along with a few paths to avoid. Those have led to the creation of many sites, including We explore those in this multi-episode discussion of all things Chris. Side Hustle Success While many people will sell you on the passive part of income and these types of sites, Chris keeps it real. He talks about the challenges he had, the numerous attempts made, and the learning along the way. Thus, if you want to follow Chris’ model, be ready to put in some work. It will not take as... Read more